“Hateful” White Lives Matter Protests “Offend” 40 Year Old Made-Up “American Values”,Blubber Tennessee Faggots

The White Lives Matter rallies in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville on Saturday are openly and unabashedly racist, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic.

Wow,that’s a hell of a prediction there,Amazing Kreskin.By my calendar,it’s still Friday.Meaning you haven’t heard a word they’ve said yet.So actually,you have no fucking clue if they’re racist,anti-immigrant,and “anti-Semitic”.

They are,of course,by the standards these guys are using,which is basically you don’t immediately get on your knees and facefuck yourself with an illegal wetback’s mini-burrito while he spits on your laws.And jews,who sterilize blacks on sight without their permission and have a huge wall to keep out brown people, hate your protest,therefore it’s antisemitic.

The Traditional Worker Party, the National Socialist Movement (translation: Nazis), the League of the South and Vanguard America are exercising their rights to spew hatred.

Yes,just as you are exercising your right to spew pussy blood out of your cocksucker like a big ol’ hairy crotch-bleeding pussy.

Yes, hate speech is protected under the First Amendment.

However, that does not mean that hate speech represents the values that make this nation great — our commitment, if imperfect, to pluralism and equality.

If hate speech doesn’t represent American Values then why is it explicitly protected in the very first amendment to the Constitution?

How do you get pluralism and equality out of slave-owning White males who didn’t believe that blacks were human and restricted immigration,citizenship,and voting rights only to land-owning White men? Just curious.

And, it does not mean that the words of racists, xenophobes and anti-Semites must go unanswered.

Protest comes in many ways.

Bring it,we’ll “protest” right back,faggot.You think people don’t realize you’re insinuating a physical threat here?

White Lives Matter emerged from the affirmation the hate groups received from the president of the United States because of his equivocation after the violence in Charlottesville, Va., in August, which left one woman dead at the hands of a racist.

Oh? Was the guy who gave her CPR after she went into cardiac arrest a racist too? Heather Heyer died of a heart attack according to her own mother.If her communist pals weren’t illegally rioting in the streets in defiance of a general order to disperse maybe she would be alive today.If antifa and the niggers with baseball bats Heather Heyer was running around with weren’t blocking the streets and attacking emergency personnel maybe the EMT’s could have hooked her up to a defibrillator and revived her.

The hate groups have a vision for America that values the existence of only those who think, look and act like them.

You guys had 50 years to value the existence of White people but you didn’t.And the reason you didn’t is because (A) you are run by jews who want to exterminate Whites and erase their history because they have decided White people are Amalek this week and (B) the black and brown hate groups you represent would turn on you violently in a second if they thought you didn’t hate Whites as much as they did.

Well,nature abhors a vacuum.Time to shut your mouths and let someone else do the job.Or eventually your mouths will be shut for you and the job will get done anyway.


Shockingly, Nigbongo Was A Corrupt Nigger Chieftain

It is a development which not even Nostradamus could have predicted without a pair of eyes and a 30 minute documentary on any African ruler,but during his tenure as fake diversity hire American President,Barack “Bootlips” Ojibwe…Obanunga…damn,what was that dumbass Kenyan nigger’s name again? Oh yeah,Obama.Anyway,Barack and his wife Michael weaponized the apparatus of the state against his rightwing political adversaries engaging in lawfully-protected First Amendment actions like he was thought he was back in Nigeria and was planning on being dictator for life.


  • Barack and his wife Michael share a kiss

  • The IRS under Lois Lerner was directed to break the law to suppress the Tea Party movement and has settled with and apologized to some of those groups.

    (((International Corporations))) Move To Troll Shield Illegal Beaners


    It seems that in America today if you are a member of certain groups you are immune from prosecution for criminal actions.Either the government will refuse to prosecute you,NGO’s will give you limitless funds to fight such prosecutions and make your life as comfy as possible while you are being prosecuted,or major corporations with power over people’s daily lives unrivaled by any king or dictator in history will lobby government on your behalf to make sure you are rewarded for breaking laws they want broken.

    More than 60 companies and trade organizations are launching a campaign to support protections for Dreamers.

    The companies announced a digital ad campaign on Thursday and said they would push for “bipartisan legislation that gives Dreamers a permanent solution this year.”

    A permanent solution? I got a better idea.How about a final solution.

    Ironically,these beaners are intended to be the final solution to the White problem.They want to give these beaners amnesty so they can chain-migrate about 20 million of their relatives and prevent themselves from getting Trumped by the uppity goyim again in the future.

    The Coalition for the American Dream comprises some of the biggest names in business: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, General Motors, Google, Hewlett Packard, IBM and Microsoft, among dozens of others.

    Imajjun moy shawk that the “faaaashist corporations” of jewgle,founded by jews,Amazon,run by a jew,Faceberg,created and run by jews,et al,are involved in this.These jewish scumbags need to be broken up by antitrust laws and regulated.

    Others in the campaign announced Thursday include the American Hotel and Lodging Association, the National Retail Foundation and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

    “If Congress fails to act, our economy could lose $215 billion from the national GDP and $24.6 billion in Social Security and Medicare tax contributions,” the companies wrote in an ad published in Politico on Thursday.


    There’s the U.S. Chamber of Commerce again.I swear,they’ve gotta have more kikes in that organization than the Federal Reserve.Back to back back-stabbery by these goofy motherfuckers lately.We need to get some of /ourguys/ in there and fast.The Chamber of Commerce is a nexus for some cosmic-level kike sorcery and they are directly funding the violent anti-American terrorist organizations Black Lives Matter and antifa.

    Also,this $215 billion business is utter bullshit.These faggots believe they can basically put whatever they want on a piece of paper and call it the GDP and it will fly.Really.It’s called Keynesianism and most of these guys subscribe to it.Even if we were somehow making $215 billion off of these beaners it won’t matter when the US is Venezuela in 40 years.No matter how much those in control are making,you and I will never see a penny of it.

    Don’t do business with any of these companies if you can avoid it and demand your representatives do a Congressional inquiry into why and how the Chamber of Commerce is aiding and abetting these terrorists.


    Crying Nigger Faggot Don Lemon Hoaxes Hate Tweet Against Himself

    Don Lemon,believed by many to be the second gayest nigger currently alive besides Barack Obama,is reportedly in tears yet again after receiving a grammatically incorrect,barely coherent,and poorly-written death threat from his own sock account.

    CNN anchor Don Lemon said he received death threats from a self-proclaimed white nationalist after appealing to President Trump to stop attacking the widow of a US soldier, according to the NYPD.

    The network’s security personnel called police after the black journalist was attacked on Twitter with several messages, including “F— you n—- can’t wait to stab your neck” and “U r a pile of rotting Dogs—-, racist, communist, socialist, Liberal moron ass—, I will find u U will pay. ill see u real soon,” police sources said.

    The alleged user described himself on Twitter using the handle @1jeff4trump2 as a “white nationalist conservative . pro gun anti islam anti terrorist anti leftist yes i HATE demorats,blm,antifa ,socialists. heavily armed racist.WLM.”

    Police were not sure of the identity of the person, whose Twitter account was deleted Thursday, other than they believe he is a white 47-year-old who identifies with the alt-right.

    This is basically like if Donald Trump claimed he received a death threat from an antifa that read “I KNOW YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN,I AM COMING TO TAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS AWAY,YOU PATRIOTIC MOTHERFUCKER!1!1!1!1 See you soon.” and the account belonged to “Laqueeta Jemimah Lenin”,a self-described “Marxist,anti-Christian,Jesus-hater and abortion-lover”.

    Everyone knows niggers fake these race-based death threats against themselves damn near every single time.

    You can’t really blame them for doing it.They never receive any punishment for it and White women fall for it and rush to shield them from the imaginary KKK every time.

    When are we going to stop falling for these fake hate crimes? Don’t people realize how easy it is to send a fake death threat to yourself on twitter? That’s probably why the account was deleted.To prevent it from being traced back to this faggot nigger drama queen.


    Rand Paul Reveals The Name Of The GOP Guy Who Originally Solicited The Piss Dossier

    In an article entitled,”Rand Paul Reveals Who Gave Clinton Campaign Emails to Wikileaks”,thefederalistpapers stumbles on to a little more than the answer to who gave the Pedoesta emails to Wikileaks.

    EARHARDT: “Good — good to have you with us. Are you there, senator?”

    PAUL: “Yes. Good morning.”

    EARHARDT: “OK, wonderful. We want to get your reaction about the Russian reversal. So it turns out sources say that Hillary Clinton’s campaign teamed up with the DNC, they help pay for the dossier on President Trump. What’s your reaction?”

    PAUL: “You know, it amazes me for a year the Democrats have been whining and whining and whining and saying they lost because of the Russians. Now, looks like it’s really their subterfuge, their ideas, their buying this dossier. But also you know, there are rumors that the leaks that went to WikiLeaks on all the Clinton e-mails came from the Democrats as well. So it’s kind of funny, everything they blamed on Republican it looks like maybe they were the ones responsible for.”

    DOOCY: “Sure. And senator, remember a couple months ago when it was revealed that Don — Donald Trump, Jr., had a meeting with these people with, a Russian connection in hopes of finding some dirt on Hillary Clinton. Ultimately it doesn’t sound like they got any dirt on Hillary Clinton, but at same time she was actually financing the dossier about his father.”

    KILMEADE: “Over five million.” [crosstalk]

    PAUL: “Well, you know, campaigns all do opposition research on both sides but the problem is it is distracting the whole country. We’re spending millions and millions of dollars on committee investigations, special prosecutors, all because Hillary Clinton can’t admit that she lost because she was a bad candidate.”

    KILMEADE: “Right. And senator, lastly, there was a Republican they say started this investigation with Fusion GPS. And it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who spent the big money to keep it going. Do you know who that Republican was?”

    And here’s where the interesting stuff happens.

    PAUL: “It wasn’t me, but I — I — I don’t know who it was. It might have been one of other primary candidates; there were 16 of them. All I can say is it wasn’t me.”

    KILMEADE: “Right.”

