LOL:Hoaxvestigation In “Mortal Danger” Of Being Exposed As Democrat Hissy Fit Over Losing Election


Just…just let that sink in for a bit.

Take a deep breath.

Now feel free to lol until you pass out.

If liberals wanted to hoax an impeachment against Trump,maybe they should have taken the time to make up something he actually did that was a crime instead of “collusion”, “interference”, or “meddling”,which not only are not crimes but actually don’t mean anything in and of themselves.

But of course,they couldn’t do that,because 1.He didn’t do anything,and 2.The pretext for the hoaxvestigation had to be vague and meaningless enough to shoehorn whatever fake “evidence” they came up with into this box after the fact.

Mueller is finished.He just doesn’t know it yet.

It’s gotten so bad that even liberal fake news outlets are saying this is a witch hunt.

A whole lot of people are going to jail over this hoaxvestigation,but none of them will be named Donald J. Trump.

They’re now actually pleading with Trump to accept a plea deal and resign, which they acknowledge he has no reason to take, because “Russian collusion” is fake news and they can’t get him on “obstruction of justice” for firing his own employee who was committing treason by leaking sensitive national secrets to Israeli dual-citizen newspaper men.

I don’t know if I can take all this winning,Mr.President.

One thought on “LOL:Hoaxvestigation In “Mortal Danger” Of Being Exposed As Democrat Hissy Fit Over Losing Election”

  1. This was all just a fairly well-planned attempt to make the President’s term in office a failure, keep him from being reelected, and shift Congress to Democrat rule. How much of that will work still remains to be seen.

    My hope is that we, the People will enact stern reprisals against these leftists, reprisals that will leave a lasting mark upon all their lives for several generations.


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