Based Flip Rodrigo Duterte Calls For Revolutionary Government;Asks For Absolute Power To Crush Drug-Peddling ISIS Filth

Rodrigo Duterte,famous for cursing out enemies of the Filipino people,for shooting drug-dealers while riding a motorcycle like the Terminator,and for at one time tossing leftists out of a helicopter vowed recently to install a revolutionary government and abolish the Phillipines Constitution in order to allow him to crush ISIS and other CIA and Mossad-sponsored degenerate elements.

“Once your destabilization is already creating chaos, I will not hesitate to declare a revolutionary government until the end of my term.”,Duterte said

According to the Philippine Catholic Church, more than 13,000 criminals have been executed since June 2016,resulting in a drop of 32% in drug-related crimes,and presumably an equivalent drop in his country’s corrupt officials pushing dope on Filipino kids.Philippine National Police say that the on-the-spot executions of drug dealers are effective. Most Filipinos report feeling safer as a result of the policy.

And yet,in America,we are told over and over that “muh human rights democracy” is the best approach for solving these problems,resulting in our having a larger incarcerated population than the entire population of many European countries.

We need to get Rodrigo Duterte to come over to the United States and draw up our legal framework for dealing with illegal aliens.Something tells me we could solve the dreamer debate pretty quickly.

Screenshot_2017-12-03-01-39-50.jpgThis is why we need a Wall.And why that Wall must have motion-activated machine gun turrets.


 On November 30th,based Filipinos throughout the country took to the streets to praise Rodrigo “Kill A Commie For Mommy” Duterte and to call for revolutionary government and a suspension of the Filipino Cuckstitution to allow a new government charter with the people to be drawn up.

As near as this reporter can tell,the new Constitution will be based on cursing out journalists,throwing commies out of helicopters,sawing drug dealers in half with chainsaws,and doing motorcycle drive-bys on ISIS.

Pretty cool.

However,Duterte may have to chainsaw a few of his military personnel in half to get from here to Flip Valhallah as the two top cucks of the Phillipines,Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana and Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Rey Leonardo Guerrero have both publicly opposed the notion of a new revolutionary government.

Vice President Leni Robredo said in November,”[W]e were assured — and the assurance was strong — that they would not support such a plan.”

Whether they support it or not,the people of the Phillipines support Glorious Leader Duterte,and Duterte exemplifies Donald Trump’s campaign boast that he could stand in the middle of Manhattan and shoot somebody and not lose support,this is because Rodrigo Duterte has actually done this a time or two.However,it was Mindanao and not Manhattan.

We here at The Liberationist wish Rodrigo Duterte luck with his crusade to clean up the Phillipines and hope for the day when honest taxpaying Americans are able to liberate ourselves from our own drug-dealers,jewish smut-peddlers,illegal alien parasites and jihadi suicide bombers via this one weird trick.

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