American Lebensraum:A Modest Proposal

While watching a video of a god-tier internet troll insulting a midget,I stumbled onto a perennial argument brought up by those who are against race realism which is often used to attempt to discredit the scientific underpinnings of the theory by essentially casting moral aspersions on those who call for a White ethnostate.

Basically the argument goes like this “Oh,so you don’t want to be ruled by brown people? What,are you just going to kill all of these shitskins we brought here?”

Someone in the stream who looks a lot like Nick Fuentes says,paraphrasing,”NO! Who’s talking about that? We just want the White majority to start having kids again!”

While this looks like a good argument on the surface,once again,the leftists are right for the wrong reasons.

People on our side of the divide would like a White ethnostate because there are racial differences that mean that we can NEVER share a system of government.Facials differences in IQ mean that blacks will never be able to understand abstract concepts of justice and fairness.

Similarly,biological racial differences mean that White women can never have the kind of fecundity that blacks,arabs,and latrinos have.

The average age of first menstruation for a black female is 8 or 9,the average age for a White female is 11-12.Those years may not seem like much,but they have a huge knock-on effect over groups of millions.

Somehow,non-Whites must be removed from our country.

Politically,it will not be possible to uproot negroes and move them back to Africa because they are negroes in the America of 2017.This is because of a fondness our own people have for exotic pets,even violent or dangerous ones that can’t be domesticated,such as alligators or niggers.

However,this only applies to animals that have not been proven to be a threat through some sort of social mechanism.As we have seen with the pit bull hysteria that has been going at least since I was a child,White people can be broken of their attachment to at least subsets of these dangerous animals.

And that,fam,is the place where innovation can step in.

What I propose is not a “racist” idea at all.It is a policy that has historically been used regarding Whites,and can be defended as such by the Nick Fuentes types if they are too squeamish to push the envelope.And that is the idea of one country off-loading its prison population on others.Not only is it historically a thing that Whites have done to other Whites,but it is basically what Mexico and all these other Third World populations are doing vis a vis the United States right now,off-loading their criminals onto our country.

A policy I would very much like to hear people on our side begin to talk about is a “Prison to Africa Pipeline”.With Donald Trump in the White House,this is a policy that actually has a chance of being enacted.It sounds very much in line with much of his immigration platform.


Here are the facts.Blacks make up 1/3rd of those incarcerated in the United States.2.2 million niggers in America are doing one or more years in prison at any given moment.In 2015,58% of niggers at Nigger University were serving time for a violent crime.Despite the constant leftist lies,only 15% of negroes in prison in the US were serving time on a “non-violent crack cocaine” offense.

These numbers have probably been this way forever,even in the 90’s when jews started pushing the myth that negroes were only 6 times more likely to commit crime because they were locked up for peacefully selling crack to children.

These numbers are likely to stay this way forever.Muhdikk and chimpouts are far more addictive for your average nigger than crack.You actually have to have a brain to have yours become addicted to a chemical substance.

So,to recap,at any given time,1,276,000 of the 2.2 million niggers locked up are there for violent offenses that would merit exile and the public would DEFINITELY accept
exile as a humane alternative to the death penalty.

This means that we can reduce the negro population of the United States by 3.19%,year over year,for the foreseeable future-until presumably we hit a point where the law of diminishing returns kicks in as the niggers become too scared of being sent back to Africa to commit high-profile violent or sex crimes against Whites,assuming these are the only crimes that ever earn one a boat ride to Nigeria.

A modest amount,sure,but if you combine that with sending the 30-50 million illegal beaners who are here back,you are looking at basically stable population numbers.These two things combined with Whites beginning to have 4 kids per couple would result in a small uptick in White share of the population.

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