Tuesday News Poll

Ok,fam,here’s the deal.As many of you have probably guessed,I am based in the U.S. and this means that many of my news stories and opinion pieces are based on U.S. events and trends.

I have regular readers from every major continent except for Africa and every major country except for Israel.Just the way I like it.


I would appreciate your feedback,readers.

If you are from a country outside the U.S.,would you like to see me do my take on more stories related to political,cultural,or media figures or events from your country? I have generally refrained from doing this because,as a burger, the zeitgeist of other countries has been lost on me outside of the political sphere in which I operate, but I do have sources who are very close to the subject matter in several European countries and former colonies.

I could get up to speed very quickly if there is a hunger for a smartass burger take on events in your country or something that needs to be said that you may be prohibited by law from saying.

Let me know.It would be my huwhyte privilege to bullhorn whatever you’d like to say right up some jew censor’s hooked nose.

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