Don’t Pay Attention To Alabama Polls,They Are All Fake

UPDATE:Election Over.

Because I care about my commitment to the honesty and accuracy that my readers come here for,I have to report that I made the wrong call on Moore when I said that he would win.Doug Jones won by about 1% of the votes.However,I still believe that the mainstream polls were all hoaxes and my initial report was accurate,in that respect.

According to my sources,there is definitely something fraudulent,possibly criminal, about this election.I will have more on this coming soon.

Where are all the pedophilia accusers now,by the way? Kinda seems like it was all a politically-motivated hoax now, doesn’t it? Is there anything that jews won’t poison? That remains to be seen.

Original Article:Polls that show Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore losing are fake news.You all remember the 6 gorillion point advantage they were giving Hillary Clinton up to 2 days before the election? Same thing.

Sadly,some of these are being put out by the cuck fifth column in the Republican Party too,I’m sure.

Look,someone doesn’t have a massive lead one day,and then the other guy have a massive lead the next,and then the first guy has the same massive lead back the next day.

No one with a brain believes that is happening.

Roy Moore will win and it will be absolutely hilarious when he does.

Don’t have much else to say on this,just that,in my opinion these polls are all deliberately faked and by this point we would be retarded to not assume that the other arm of the Globo-Homo Coalition,the one that’s supposed to be representing us,i.e.,the Recucklicans, are in on it.

We have to take down both parties and replace their leaders with ours.


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