“Only black and hispanic voters’ wishes matter”,Newsweek sneers.

You gotta admire Jewsweek. They may be ratfaced scumbags who allegedly suck mutilated baby dicks,but they’re going ahead and saying “Fuck what the majority wants,they’re all White!” 27 years too early.

These kikes used to spend all day whining about “muh human rights democracy”, which everybody always thought was pretty faggy, back when everybody got all of their news from a handful of kike-controlled major media corporations and they could gaslight people into believing that anybody thought that niggers and Mexicans were anything other than 85-90 IQ Stone Age retards.

They still have a long way to go because they are still stuck shoving their hands up the asses of pedros and tyrones and moving their blubbery fish lips up and down to make the kike’s agenda come out of their herpes or tuberculosis-infested cocksuckers,respectively.

“Blacks say Trump should be impeached!” Yeah,so what? Blacks think fat trailer trash skanks are top-shelf pieces of ass and that Guam will tip over if you put too many soldiers there.

They have no concept of the rule of law.The turnover for leaders in Africa is however long the corrupt dictator can keep his own cabinet members from murdering him so they can live in his house,which is often the only house in the country.

Got news for you,guys,they don’t act any different just because you move them to another country and teach them to speak an unintelligible version of English.

What was more surprising is that only 52% of latrinos want Trump impeached.

Remember the establishment Republican refrain of the Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush campaigns that the right has to coddle beaners now or else these “natural conservatives” won’t vote for their guys?

Well,they won’t vote for them anyway.But it turns out it doesn’t matter very much to spics if you threaten to put their grandma in a catapult and slingshot her over a wall back into Mexico.You’re gonna get the same result as if you hand them a pocketful of plastic turtles and try to impress them with your ability to read the Taco Bell menu “in the original Spanish”.

I personally prefer the former.

Seriously,though,the news that I am reading increasingly reflects a growing paranoia among the shitlibs.

“Impeach Trump NOW,nogs and julios are completely on board!!!”

What’s the matter,faggot crybabies? The right had 8 years of your precious sacred gaynigger retard getting his way on every single issue.Does your little bum-bum hurt after less than a year of our guy? Poor babies.

I think you’re just afraid of losing your power,lol.I thought you were supposed to be this big strong coalition of the ascendant.Wasn’t the arc of history supposed to be bending over and spreading its herpes-covered butt cheeks for you?

I think I heard the first gay President,Kenyan nigger Obongo,say something like that in one of the speeches his jew handlers had him ook about once.

I think you better get used to being on the wrong side of history,it’s going to happen a lot from now on.

Putting myself in the shoes of a commie under the Trump administration is a fun exercise.To watch the footsoldiers of your plan to bypass that pesky White majority’s will at the ballot box being rounded up and dumped back in their roach motel,to see the muslim jihadists who would blow up their concerts and run them over during outdoor Christmas celebrations banned from even setting foot in the country,watching power slip through your fingers forever as the goyim begin to know,the mask slipping off and your silver bullet circling the shitter and all the while thinking to oneself “NO! This was supposed to happen to THEM,not US!!!!!” and being powerless to do anything about it.I actually know that feel because it’s more or less the same thing I’ve been experiencing for the past 8 years,and that makes it all the more sweet,to know that this place in their psyche is where their tears on Election Night sprang from.

Feel that sting,Big Boy? That’s pride fuckin’ with ya,lol.

Now they believe they’re going to impeach Trump? Pfffffff.Best strap yourselves in,faggots,you’re in for a long 8 years.And I guarantee you that at the end of that,America will be Whiter than it is today.

You might get your Bernie Sanders communist jew President at the end of that (assuming we can’t manage to install Donald Trump,or possibly Andrew Anglin,as President for life),but it will be a neutered,weak,whiny commie that can only appeal to Whites democratically to try to finish the kike agenda of White Genocide and nobody will be listening because they know all about these jews.In other words,the worst of both worlds.

Your far-left radical commie will be a nutless pussy who everyone will remember as an incoherent idiot,your kike agenda will be set back by 50 years,and if you push too hard to get back to where you were before Trump,you’re going to get kicked out for the 110th time,and we’re gonna redistribute YOUR shit.To White people.

This is where you stand,or rather,kneel right now.


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