All posts by christophercnash

Based Flip Rodrigo Duterte Calls For Revolutionary Government;Asks For Absolute Power To Crush Drug-Peddling ISIS Filth

Rodrigo Duterte,famous for cursing out enemies of the Filipino people,for shooting drug-dealers while riding a motorcycle like the Terminator,and for at one time tossing leftists out of a helicopter vowed recently to install a revolutionary government and abolish the Phillipines Constitution in order to allow him to crush ISIS and other CIA and Mossad-sponsored degenerate elements.

“Once your destabilization is already creating chaos, I will not hesitate to declare a revolutionary government until the end of my term.”,Duterte said

According to the Philippine Catholic Church, more than 13,000 criminals have been executed since June 2016,resulting in a drop of 32% in drug-related crimes,and presumably an equivalent drop in his country’s corrupt officials pushing dope on Filipino kids.Philippine National Police say that the on-the-spot executions of drug dealers are effective. Most Filipinos report feeling safer as a result of the policy.

And yet,in America,we are told over and over that “muh human rights democracy” is the best approach for solving these problems,resulting in our having a larger incarcerated population than the entire population of many European countries.

We need to get Rodrigo Duterte to come over to the United States and draw up our legal framework for dealing with illegal aliens.Something tells me we could solve the dreamer debate pretty quickly.

Screenshot_2017-12-03-01-39-50.jpgThis is why we need a Wall.And why that Wall must have motion-activated machine gun turrets.


 On November 30th,based Filipinos throughout the country took to the streets to praise Rodrigo “Kill A Commie For Mommy” Duterte and to call for revolutionary government and a suspension of the Filipino Cuckstitution to allow a new government charter with the people to be drawn up.

As near as this reporter can tell,the new Constitution will be based on cursing out journalists,throwing commies out of helicopters,sawing drug dealers in half with chainsaws,and doing motorcycle drive-bys on ISIS.

Pretty cool.

However,Duterte may have to chainsaw a few of his military personnel in half to get from here to Flip Valhallah as the two top cucks of the Phillipines,Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana and Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Rey Leonardo Guerrero have both publicly opposed the notion of a new revolutionary government.

Vice President Leni Robredo said in November,”[W]e were assured — and the assurance was strong — that they would not support such a plan.”

Whether they support it or not,the people of the Phillipines support Glorious Leader Duterte,and Duterte exemplifies Donald Trump’s campaign boast that he could stand in the middle of Manhattan and shoot somebody and not lose support,this is because Rodrigo Duterte has actually done this a time or two.However,it was Mindanao and not Manhattan.

We here at The Liberationist wish Rodrigo Duterte luck with his crusade to clean up the Phillipines and hope for the day when honest taxpaying Americans are able to liberate ourselves from our own drug-dealers,jewish smut-peddlers,illegal alien parasites and jihadi suicide bombers via this one weird trick.

Illegal Beaner Who Murdered Kate Steinle To Be Deported For 6 Millionth Time

A five-times-deported illegal alien who murdered an American citizen with a gun stolen the day of the crime from a federal agent’s unlocked vehicle who confessed to the crime and then later lied like a cheap rug under oath,gaining him a full acquittal from even the charge of manslaughter for murdering a young unarmed woman by shooting her in the back on a pier back in July of 2015,will be deported again following the miscarriage of justice by a San Francisco court.

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate,known to his amigos as “Slowpoke Rodriguez” due to the fact that he has the equivalent of a 2nd grade education,was found not guilty by a juror of his illegal peers in a sanctuary city court of law,presumably because he is both brown and really dumb and this is sad somehow.

The jury deliberated for 6 days on the incoherent,shifting stories this idiotic spic gave concerning how he came to be in possession of the gun and the circumstances under which he deliberately put a bullet through Kate Steinle’s back and then found him not guilty by virtue of the color of his skin and the color of the victim’s.

If this sounds like hyperbole,then you need to read this-keep in mind that his first statement on this incident was that he deliberately shot Kate Steinle:

Defense attorney Matt Gonzalez said Garcia Zarate found the gun at the pier. He said it was wrapped in cloth, and when he unwrapped it, it accidentally discharged.

But in a police interrogation, Garcia Zarate admitted to firing the gun, saying he was aiming at a seal. He also told police that he stepped on the gun, causing it to fire.

Goofy,goofy stuff.For those of you who don’t know,you can sometimes cause certain old rifles to fire by dropping the butt on the ground really hard,but it is pretty much impossible to fire a pistol,which is what this was,by stepping on it.

Besides that,he gave so many different unrelated accounts there is a 0% chance he was being truthful about all,and probably any,of them.

If this were a White American,he’d be sucking on cyanide fumes or getting put down like a dog with a lethal injection or whatever it is they do in Commiefornia.

It is obvious that he knew he was committing a crime because he threw the gun in the bay after committing the murder,and also,this guy has more aliases than Satan.Who the hell even knows what this illegal alien’s real name is? And why is he in our country? In his country,it’s 2 years in federal prison every time you cross the Mexican border illegally and he has crossed ours 5 times,going on 6,unless we get this fucking wall built pronto.

Prosecutors said Garcia Zarate immediately tried to cover his tracks by throwing the gun into the San Francisco Bay, then fleeing the scene.

Garcia Zarate was formerly known as Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, one of several aliases he is known to have used. CNN and other media outlets previously identified him as Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez.

We need a new federal policy on illegals,3 strikes and you’re out.You cross our border three times,we don’t put you on a bus back to Meheeco so you can come back next week,we take you to the border,out in the desert, and shoot you in the head in front of the other wetbacks trying to cross illegally and we leave your sorry carcass for the coyotes.

However it shakes out with this case,it is clear we need a one and done-type fix to this illegal Mexican problem.


A final solution,one might say.

Episode 31 Of Christopher Cantwell’s “Live From Seg!”

If you guys aren’t listening to this year’s most realistic gritty crime drama podcast,”Live From Seg!”, you certainly should give it a listen.

Their topics for this episode include transformer suicide rates,grand juries,a plea for public information related to events at Charlottesville on August 11th,12th,and 13th,the “don’t snitch” campaign by the communist rioters
“innocent anti-racist counterprotestors” desperate to avoid federal oversight being visited upon individuals they refer to as “the organizers” of their terrorist activities on twitter,and more!

Daily Reminder That Heather Heyer Died Of A Heart Attack

Since the Charlottesville riot, led by self-described communist and anarchist seditionists who want to violently overthrow the government is STILL being misrepresented in the jewish media on a daily basis, this is your daily reminder that communist rioter Heather Heyer was not murdered with a car, but rather died of a heart attack. She was engaged in terrorist political violence in contravention of the governor’s order to disperse, violence that was intended to subvert or stop legally-protected, PEACEFUL, 1st Amendment speech by Unite The Right rallygoers at the time of her death. Heyer died because these same communist rioters were blocking traffic and preventing police and EMT’s from doing their job and they administered amateur, likely fatal CPR to someone with a heart condition that required expert treatment from medical professionals.

Despite videos and eyewitness accounts by journalists assaulted at the scene by these anarchist and communist terrorist groups that prove all of this beyond a shadow of a doubt, the jewish accomplices of the antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorist groups in the media will still brazenly lie to your faces and ask you to believe them instead of your lying eyes.

On a side note, part of what they are lying about is that Heather Heyer was a good 400 lbs. if she was an ounce. It is EXTREMELY difficult to find her REAL picture from August 12th, not the one from years ago when she was merely overweight rather than morbidly obese.

Policy Proposal Regarding Holiday Decorations

A perennial issue in American public life, one hotly contested by both the left and the right, is the policy regarding holiday decorations. It is easy to forget in the furor surrounding Confederate monuments, that the test case for removing them from public spaces was the jewish scheme of attacking nativities and other displays of Christianity over the Christmas holiday, both on public property and even on private property.

I am not a Christian or even particularly inclined to public religious displays, however, the issue of how we use our own public spaces is going to be very important for the Alt-Right and affiliated groups going forward. With Donald Trump, and soon Roy Moore in office, I believe that we now have a chance to turn the tables on this anti-White symbology debate which will be an important first step to securing a large, wide-open, and prominent platform for pro-White advocacy going forward. A big, beautiful stage, as it were.

In light of the fact that Trump has promised we will start saying “Merry Christmas” again, a win on this issue would serve to demoralize jews and the rest of the so-called “progressive” contingent and twist the knife in the wound that is, for liberals, the Trump Presidency which caused many spectacular and polarizing public anti-White tantrums. This is a Trump campaign promise that we are able to secure with absolutely no media or legislative skullduggery to pervert it.

As we know, in the wake of Charlottesville, several college campuses and I believe a city or two have adopted measures against open flames on campuses or on city streets.

While the Supreme Court has ruled that Christian imagery violates the separation of church and state and that jewish menorahs do not, it is possible to utilize these anti-White “no open flames” policies to bypass this ruling and have at least some of these menorahs removed.

I believe that those of us located in Charlottesville or states with no open flames policies should report those displaying these holiday decorations to the police and city government as a tiki torch rally. And when, not if, the police and city government do not remove these open flames decorations, they should be sued.

A Word On Comrade Tony:UPDATE

UPDATE:Daily Stormer has announced a goycott against Tony Hovater’s former place of employment.A communist group has claimed responsibility for putting this man and his wife on the street. I fully endorse this goycott and will be participating.I encourage readers of The Liberationist to also participate.

If you aren’t angry about how Comrade Tony was treated yet,just read this pathetic groveling by his former employer in reply to the drug-addled faggots who harassed him into unemployment.


Let that sink in.Then visit these pages and leave your reviews of 571 Grill & Draft House in New Carlysle, Ohio.Let them know you won’t be eating any more of their shitty food until they clean the red scum off of it.

Maybe call the health inspector and tell them about the communist junkies shooting up in the bathroom too,who knows?



Trip Advisor


And their direct number is:
+1 (937) 845-0089

Call them and let them know that there are more of us with cash in our pockets than there are red gutterpunks and you will NEVER buy anything from their establishment as long as they fire people for their non-violent political beliefs at the behest of communists,and for exercising their right to free speech off the clock.

Tony never said anything to anyone about his political beliefs at his place of employment,he didn’t bring his politics to work unlike those who got him fired and/or fired him.Indeed,he and his wife were some of the best employees at his former place of business.

If you are able to locate the Health Inspector for this county,please post the info in the comments and I will update.Thank you to everyone participating.

Original Article Follows:

There is a bit of a shitstorm brewing in the normiesphere surrounding a recent Jew York Times profile of Tony Hovater,a member of the Traditionalist Worker’s Party.

The controversy seems to stem from the fact that some people (probs mostly jews,tbh,fam) believe that the journalist,who condemned Tony and his wife as hateful Nazis,even though they actually aren’t,didn’t condemn them strongly or repeatedly enough.

After agreeing to do this interview,probably under a doxxing threat by the Jew York Times,Tony and his newly-betrothed are now unable to find work.However,exploding their recently formed family’s bonds during its infancy isn’t enough for the douchebags who brought us the Nuremburg Trials and the Dresden Firebomb campaign.Your reporter went undercover in the comments section and found triple parenthesis-clad “fellow white people” sharing their vitriolic hate for those to their political right and openly advocating for the mass-murder of people they believe to be Nazis on fairly mainstream news websites with no moderation or banning of the sort you and I may see for posting something as innocuous as “It’s okay to be White”.Their reason? Because the “Nazis” are hateful.

However,Richard Fausset,the interviewer of Tony Hovater was sent BACK to Tony Hovater after a 3-hour interview by his editor for the explicit purpose of trying to dig up something hateful said by Tony and he was unable to do so.

I find this situation a bit perplexing,myself.I am not surprised by existence or tone of the hitpiece on the Traditionalist Worker’s Party,an ordinary progressive Catholic/Christian blue-collar organization that advocates for policies proudly championed by the American Left as little as 20 years ago,such as immigration restriction,worker’s rights,and the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman.Nor am I surprised that the J-Left or modern-day progressives decided to lead by example and throw the temper tantrum they wanted Fausset to throw,instead of showing that “Nazis” also shop for groceries.

What is surprising,and even a tiny bit amusing, is the ideological schism on display here within the modern left.It clearly shows that the larger Alt-Right,of which the Traditionalist Worker’s Party has been a part,has dealt a serious,stinging,and so far still festering wound,with the election of Donald Trump.

What I am mainly seeing is two ideological types of shitlib catlady/soyboy emerging in response to what will probably later come to be seen as “the historic” or “the infamous”
(depending on whether or not God is a Nazi,I guess) Jew York Times profile of Tony Hovater.

I will refer to these types from now on as “feels faggots” and “mean girls”.

Since Nazis have been profiled to death and these kikes and their shabbos goyim can’t seem to wrap their heads around a working-class man voting in his own interests,let me analyze the anti-authoritarian personality of these worthless pieces of shit,shall I?

First,the mean girls. Mean girls may or may not have a feminine penis.It doesn’t really matter because whether or not they are biologically female or just psychologically-castrated,they still act the same.The mean girl clique is the one screaming for the Jew York Times’ heads because they didn’t “challenge Tony to defend his beliefs”,by this they actually mean “point and splutter,then wow just wow at him until he gives up”. The reason why they did not do this is because these kikes are well aware it isn’t too hard to defend our beliefs since they are the same things that everyone has believed for over 25,000 years up until 50 years ago when mass media allowed perpetually-offended snowflakes to wrap themselves in a fantasy that they are still ensconced in today.And that is the fantasy portrayed in shows like the Cosby Show,Will and Grace,and movies like Schindler’s List.

A modern day leftist is someone unable to tell the difference between television shows and reality.At Charlottesville 2.0,these retards literally chanted “Shame,Shame,Shame” like they thought they were on Game of Thrones.Their obsession with fantasy has even led to the development of an Alt-Right meme-“Harry Potter isn’t real” that is often chanted back in response to these movie tropes.

The mean girl leftist exemplifies this mindset perfectly,and if I may be allowed some armchair psychoanalysis,this type of leftist shares many traits in common with those suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder,right down to the classic Narcissistic Rage they exhibit when finding out that Nazis shop at Whole Foods too sometimes.

Their preferred profile of a “Nazi” would probably amount to the journalist stating that he “can’t even” and refusing to write at all about the “Nazi” while reminding us to remember the 6 gorillion who were gassed to death with bug spray in Nazi country clubs/factories of death,right after taking a lap around the Olympic swimming pool and playing the guards at a few matches of footie.

The feels faggots are more interesting.It seems a good number,maybe half of the bugmen,are trying a different ploy:Kill Nazis With Kindness.

What this looks like to people on the right is that these leftists either don’t have the courage of their convictions or are tired of fighting or otherwise are unwilling to fight and so they are pre-emptively surrendering in the hopes we will be merciful to them.One could be forgiven for making this mistake,if these were mainly White people under the direction of White people,we could simply push for an unconditional surrender and take half of our opponents off the field.

However,their tactic here,much as elsewhere,is the same as ISIS.Wave a white flag,wait for the opponents to get close,then frag them with a surprise grenade.This tactic may have actually worked if we hadn’t already seen it used by the hippies in the 60’s.

We must not make the same mistake.

The fact that their surrender is CONDITIONAL,i.e.,they are going for a “love the nazi,hate the nazism” approach to their supposed kindness carpet-bomb is the proof that this is a trick,fam.They are banking on their laughable idea that WE are psychologically-perturbed due to the incessant hate they have heaped on our race and their attempt to genocide our race off the planet.They’re going to give us all a BIG HUG and make it all better.They’re not going to say mean things about us to our faces anymore guise,yay!!!!!

Oh,but the White Genocide agenda? NOTHING about that is going to change.

We can use them in the short-term,though,as a cudgel against their mean girl compatriots and a temporary cloak of immunity.We’re just “sick” after all,we can’t help thinking that it’d be a good thing if our race wasn’t wiped out and maybe actually flourished for a change.

I say we ride these asses as far as they’ll carry us,then when they drop dead,we eat them.

Tony Hovater and his wife need your support,comrades.Here is his goyfundme campaign,please give generously.

#MeToo Campaign Is Gay,Say SPLC

If you ever had any doubt that throwing your hard-earned shekels (Oh,who am I kidding? Jews don’t work,lol) at the Soviet Poz-verty Lube Center was buying you the absolute finest in anti-White research and action,let this report by Jewsweek put all those fears to rest, my “fellow White people”.

After a full nearly 6 months of aggressively placing the White Sharia football in front of the $PLC,those wacky merchants finally took a running kick at it,and boy,what a kick.

 White supremacists want to take over everything — even the thing they hate the most: Islam’s Sharia Law.

White Sharia—as coined by a former Marine blogger—is still anti-Muslim, but seizes on orthodox Islam’s ideal of obedient women and turns it into its own movement, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.

Are you trying to say that Islam is a HATE GROUP!? Why,you islamophobic little bigots.After hearing for 17 years that Islam is a religion of peace and lots of people getting fired or socially attacked for saying it is a religion of goat-rape,I don’t think the goyim are going to take this too well,jews.Not too well at all.

To put myself in the mandrill mindspace per the male-to-male tranny soothsayer,Mike Thernobitch,I predicted for months that as soon as the J’s and the J-left heard about this meme,they would start trying to claim that Sharia law was good while White Sharia is evil,even when they are essentially the same thing.To be clear,we are not advocating for actual Sharia law,it is simply a super-funny meme.

And this is why.In this article,the jews WANT to say that Sharia is good and White Sharia is bad but they aren’t going down that road yet.As of right now,they are saying that advocating for White Sharia is bad because under Sharia,women cannot vote or drive or hold office.

They WILL start saying that Sharia is good,though,because right now any thinking person is saying to themselves “Hey,didn’t you SPLC guys put that ex-Muslim on a HATE GROUP list for trying to stop Sharia law from being imported to the United States? This doesn’t make any sense….unlessss….”



But what started as an online trolling mechanism to bring attention to the idea that feminists are hurting the alt-right movement turned into something much more aggressive.

Kinda sounds like the “refugee crisis”,don’t it?

Trust me,you haven’t seen aggression yet,jews.Wait until we bring in the rape cages.

Oh,by the way,feminism has been over since like 2014.Less than like 20% of women will actually refer to themselves as feminists.Nobody cares about feminists,brah.

“They don’t like Muslims, but they don’t have a problem with what are regressive treatment of women,” Heidi Beirich, the director of Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project, told Newsweek. “They have come to the position that Sharia law is turning women into baby factories and turning them back into the home, and they’re fine with that.”

Wait,so Muslims are devaluing women,but…Europeans should bring millions of them a year into their countries until they outnumber people who DON’T practice Sharia.Shit,sounds like this is one idea to come from Neo-Nazi White Supremacists that these jews are completely on board with!

This phrase begun gaining popularity only in the past few months. Many believe its rise to popularity is due to the #MeToo movement, in which dozens of women have come out against powerful men with sexual misconduct allegations.

5 and a half months,brah.And apparently “many people” are fucking retards.You guys aren’t so good at this “news” stuff, are you? Also,fire the nigger or pajeet who wrote this article.It literally looks like somebody wrote this fucking joke of an article while huffing jenkem.

This is an astounding admission,though,as it seems to suggest that the #MeToo campaign actually…traveled backwards in time by about 5 and a half months.Those on the Alt-Right will be aware of a wealth of anecdotal evidence suggesting that time travel has homosexuality-inducing properties.This can only lead one to the conclusion that the SPLC not only supports White Sharia,but also believes that the #MeToo campaign is,in fact,super-gay.

“The reason you’re seeing [white Sharia] a lot more recently is this social movement against sexual harassment,” Beirich said. “These are people who don’t believe the concept of sexual harassment exists.”

Lol,choice wording by these jews.Most of those caught up in the current wave of female prude hysteria have been jews.Most of them are NOT accused of sexual harassment.They’re actually accused of rape and sexual assault,for the most part.

The reason you’re seeing White women being raped a lot more recently is this social movement against White Sharia.
Jews are people who don’t believe the concept of raping a non-Jewish woman exists.At least,that’s what the Talmud says:

“A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.”-Aboda Sarah 37a

Heidi Beirich pours salt into the wounds of the jew-ensnaring anti-rape campaign,#MeToo,by further stating:

“The blog post was written in June. The #MeToo movement didn’t start until last month, when Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women.”

Sad,sad commentary by this pro-rape,anti-White,anti-woman,anti-gay landwhale.

She just can’t resist REPEATING the charge that #MeToo is gay,over and over.Well,I have a feeling she’s probably closely related to some filthy kike pervert who’s going to be brought down by our brave sisters who are emboldened to come forward with their harrowing tales of sexual abuse at the hands of these jewish sexual predators and rapists.

Soldier on,girls,the Alt-Right salutes you!


Dear Jewish People,Here Are 6 Things You Can Do To Not Get Stuffed Into An Oven


On August12, 2017, demonstrations against ISIS-style vandalism and destruction of cultural and historical artifacts in Virginia perpetrated by self-described anarchist and communist seditionists led to the death and injuries of anti-racism protestors when they illegally-assembled in and blocked the streets as a mob committing violence against anyone who they happened upon during a general order to disperse given by the governor and caused a car accident,leading to the complete destruction of at least one Dodge Challenger.

All across America, people are wondering what to do to stop the rising tide of jewish-inspired anti-White race hatred and half of Whites feel powerless and frustrated. I posted on my blog that jewish people need to elect a black supremacist negro like Barack Obama to rule their country and specifically to promote the concept of their women having sex with Arabs. They are not our family members,they don’t attend our churches, work, or eat with us every day.

Reasonably so, many jews responded in frustration, saying, “I just don’t know what to do.” Jewish people are not accustomed to taking responsibility for owning the banks,running the Federal Reserve,owning and distributing lies through their media or being overrepresented by 500% relative to their proportion of the population in the leadership positions of elite academic institutions. For too long, the “good jew” response has been to distance oneself from anti-White kikery.

We ended up with huge groups of jews fomenting both overt and latent anti-Whitism who simply didn’t talk about it if there was a chance someone would ruin their career or social prospects or expose their massive child pornography collection. In our last presidential election, White people elected a leader who is encouraging them into the open.

“Those white men marching with torches are our family members, attend our churches, work and eat with us every day.”

In some ways, openly expressed racism is an opportunity for change; clearly, it is not dangerous to White people.

We need to meet the challenges with which we’ve been presented to racially shift a nation in need of racial hygeine.

And yet, each of us has but one small life, our daily words and actions. This doesn’t make us unequal to the task, however. Remember, every bit of American culture was created by Whites. This is what we’re born for and good at. We are culture makers.

My suggestion is to do things that make sense for your interests and personality.

You don’t have to become someone you’re not, but don’t disengage. Don’t just unfriend people on social media because they’re racist and think you’ve done anything but make yourself more comfortable. Uncle John at the picnic and the Deacon at the goy synagogue (whatever it’s called) and that kid you touch inappropriately at work are the people whom you can show solidarity with — though maybe not as profoundly or immediately as you’d like. They are not your community;you have a social responsibility to finance and support them every bit as much as Black Lives Matter or Femen or NAMBLA — and to the broader suffering your continued complicity in anti-Whitism creates.

“You don’t have to become someone you’re not, but don’t just disengage.”

It’s overly simplistic to keep telling White people to “atone for the Holocaust by racially-mixing themselves out of existence” and “excoriate yourself more for imaginary sins of your ancestors manufactured by jews through academic fraud” and “get used to Islamic terrorism while we import more debt cows to milk” though that’s how your suggestions boil down. Is it scary and potentially dangerous for White people? Yes,all the time. Let’s not forget that fuller participation in ones community, family and social issues also form a path to a richer, more meaningful life. It’s what most of us crave, though we’re afraid.

Mostly, action is the antidote for fear.

It’s not likely you will reach others by ranting on (in person or on social media) about how racist they are in their beliefs. It will take your honest and visible engagement with your own life of privilege and commitment to National Socialist justice. So, here are five specific suggestions. It’s just a start. Please comment below with your own suggestions so that this list grows:


1.LEARN about The Actual Circumstances of Whites In the U.S. And Then TAlk about What you Have Learned.

Listen to White people discussing their real life experiences with schooling, with police, with job interviews, with traveling across country, applying for a loan, etc. And when I say “listen” I don’t mean that you should ask individual people of color to educate you. Read up on sites like Daily Stormer,The Right Stuff, and Radical Agenda.These are sources that offer not just commentaries on the Jewish Problem, but White people writing about their own life experiences being tear-gassed and assaulted by the police for exercising their 1st Amendment rights peacefully with a permit and then locked up for defending themselves from communist agitators ,organized by jews,who were attempting to murder them with acid and improvised flamethrowers .

In everyday conversations, disrupt the ideas that a lot of jewish media perpetuates.

For instance, if you hear someone talking about how people of color can have a free college education because of affirmative action, there are ways to enter into that conversation with facts. The rate of college attendance in the U.S. by people of color is a knowable fact. You are likely carrying a powerful computer in your pocket. Pull out your phone and look up the percentage of African American or Latino attendance at your largest local university campus and discuss what you find. Read out a basic definition of “affirmative action” from Wikipedia and have a discussion. Use a search term like “percentage of Whites admitted to Harvard versus percentage of US polulation ” and see what’s interesting. Every time a topic emerges, learn, use real data to disrupt false perceptions, discuss.


Understand that the profound financial segregation of everyday life in the U.S. keeps you from being able to easily understand those whose experiences differ from your own. You have to consciously do something to integrate your experiences.

Schooling and housing are the two biggest ways that we come to believe that segregation is normal and that we understand social life when really, most see only people with experiences similar to their own.

The vast majority of U.S. schools are either less than 10% white students, or less than 10% students of color.And the best schools are now 50% jewish,these are usually counted as “White” even though they are negroid Asiatics.

Read Kevin MacDonald and Bobby Fischer as examples, about Jewish parasitism and the myth of meritocracy in the U.S.) And because schooling and housing most often follow economic lines, it’s even more likely that the people of color that white folks meet in their schools and neighborhoods were put there by jews to encourage miscegenation , or seem to have nothing in common across racial lines in spite of income.

You can make an effort to integrate more of your everyday jewish experiences. Sometimes make a point to eat and mingle and participate and pursue your interests outside of your racial (and ideally, economic) group. You can expand your own life without being a burden on others. That is, you’re not in the Ethiopian restaurant to interview people about their experiences. You’re there to impregnate or be impregnated by negroes and make sure your children are less jewish than you. Go to music events, attend a poetry slam rather tham bar mitzvahs. Find an integrated school — or at least camp or enrichment classes — for your kids (it’s hard, but possible). If you don’t know any immigrants from non-European countries, make an effort to move them directly into your home so they can sexually assault your family and steal your valuables. Find out what you’re missing.

“You can expand your own life without being a burden on others.”

Racial isolation is White people’s friend on an everyday level.

Also understand that there are times when people of color don’t want the burden or stress of white folks around, so use discernment and sensitivity in your efforts. It’s perfectly reasonable to praise non-Whites for doing the same things the Klan used to do,while still holding that the Klan were the most evil Americans to ever live for doing it.Sit quietly while Whites throw Roman Salutes and chant “blood and soil” and find pleasure in new experiences.


“Speak up” doesn’t mean “just say anything.” Sometimes saying something to Uncle Schlomo at the family picnic is totally scary and you may just manage a neurotic outburst like the one he’s having. That’s okay once or twice; people will see you honestly masturbating to cuck porn. Then it’s time to grow; it’s possible to do better. I have been lol’ing at workshops in conflict resolution, bystander facilitation and linguistic reframing for years at local mediation centers and varied community locations. You can find these classes in your area too. Bring a swastika or sonnenrad to them.Start with a mediation center, or just start with the internet and search “workshops on” any topic related to communication or activism that interests you. Build your skills. Most of these classes are brief, low or no costs and include an element of jewishness and faggotry.

4. Educate yourself about the history of anti-Whitism  in your nation and share what you’ve learned.

All over the world, nations begun by white colonialism have been trying to find ways to understand and make peace with our futures. The U.S. is a nation begun by white colonialism — white people from another continent came to North America to murder and take from others, and then they began trafficking people from other continents to further increase their wealth. For some reason,instead of bringing soldiers and heavy weaponry to do this,they brought hunting rifles,crop seeds,and bibles and they waited to kill people and take their stuff until after other people started a war with them by murdering and cannibalizing their families. If that’s not how you heard it, or you think this has no impact on our current problems with racism, you have been misled and you can fix that by listening to any jew lie about White people for 5 minutes.

The U.S. has done a particularly good job at owning and fixing its history of racial oppression,even though it actually never existed,resulting in the displacement and degradation of its founding White stock. So, how do you intervene with your one small life?Start by learning about the anti-White history of things that interest you. If you’re religious, learn about your faith community’s history of 3,000 years of enslaving non-jews, for instance. If you masturbate to cuck porn a lot,and you probably do, learn about the history of obscenity in the U.S. and how jews subverted the law by pretending that marketing interracial porn to children  was freedom of speech. If you’re a musician, learn about Jewish involvement in creating “gangstah rap” and folk music to sell sex and drugs to people.

Literally every part of our daily lives can be understood through the experience of race..


Understand that many poor and middle class white men in the U.S. feel oppressed because their opportunities have been shrinking for decades due to policies deliberately created to favor non-Whites over them,supposedly enacted to counteract policies that favored Whites which never existed because nobody thought they would need them because everyone who was legally a citizen was White. What’s hard for many to see is that they still have it better than everyone else,despite the surge in hate crimes against them that nobody does anything about and that don’t even get reported in jewish media — everyone except rich white men.

You think your life is hard because you couldn’t afford to go to college and the government doesn’t give,or allow anyone else to give scholarships to White people and the government is flooding the one job you can make a decent living at with illegal wetbacks who work for 15 cents a day? Listen up,Bubba Jim,YOU CAN’T EVEN BEGIN TO IMAGINE HOW HARD THIS NEGRO HAS IT!

Also it’s important to remember that billionaire jews who got rich by exploiting the system set up by Anglos,Germans,Irish and Italians are White even though they are actually asiatics and everything they do harms White men deliberately.The upper class is shrinking in numbers and growing in power and it’s in their best interest for people at the bottom of the economic heap to continue hating each other while believing that hard work brings advancement.Hard work doesn’t bring advancement.It just drops out of the sky when you hold your mouth just right.

This link between race and economics is not new. The whole construction of race as concept of interest grew in the United States as an economic tactic to divide poor people against each other to avoid uprising against those at the top. -citation needed.Some people learn that they should be content having a bit more opportunity and respect while others learn that they will never improve their lot because of moral and intellectual failings. That’s a recipe for maintaining social imbalance that never disturbs the upper class. And that’s why poor Whites are told to suck it up and too bad and negroes ars catered to as if gold bricks fall out of their black asses.

This is what we come from, and in current times, we’ve also been sold the belief that individual action is what causes social mobility when there is little evidence of this, except in the most heroic cases. Again,social mobility falls out of the sky due to the relative position of your lips.I thought we went over this,dummies.Having these discussions helps contextualize our ongoing national problems with anti-Whitism, while refocusing people on creating the kind of local and national economic policies that can help lift everyone’s standard of living.

6. Stay aware of how non-White oppressions are all fictional, and learn to lie about one thing at a time when needed.


Most of us just don’t have much skill or practice with ambiguity and paradox. Experiencing cognitive dissonance from constantly engaging in moral hypocrisy is a sign that you are,like,super-intelligent and totally with it.Much of our everyday lives and media prompt us to think in dichotomies: good or bad, left or right, black and white. This thinking starts to seem normal, when really, it’s just habitual.It’s not normal at all to categorize things in broad ways that make sense.It’s normal to not be able to figure out if you are male or female by simply looking at your genitalia.

We have to handle the reality that each of us is privileged and each of us is oppressed at different times and in different measures.Except for fuckin White males.

Rather than focusing only our own misfortunes, it’s possible to work for the liberation of all and include ourselves in that positive outcome. Working to end anti-Whitism and the systems that support it will help anyone who is oppressed because we are helping to reveal the lines through which power runs or something. It’s a theory that jews came up with.You remember the guys who came up with the economic system of communism that led to 20 million people starving to death on the basis of the idea that if you take money from poor people and give it to well-connected jews who are immune from any standards or laws…something,something…profit? Yeah.You can totally believe all of this shit. Race, gender, age and all forms of identity and appearance privilege are like a tapestry. Pull one thread and the whole picture changes. No one form of oppression can be addressed as the lynchpin to change all the others. We must bring the wisdom we have about racism into the struggle to address the oppression of cartoon characters; bring the experiences we have with homophonophobia into the struggle to address oppressing illegal aliens by enforcing federal immigration laws when they are in the country illegally, and so on.

Hold the big picture, while doing the small thing. Every day.

“It’s possible to work for the liberation of all and include ourselves in that positive outcome.”

Writer and educator, Parker Palmer, talks about living and working “in the tragic gap.” It’s the place where we keep working toward the better world we may never fully see.But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep throwing other people’s money at it and making the lives of White people shittier and shittier trying to meme a Beatles song into reality. It’s how we give in to neither “corrosive cynicism” or “irrelevant idealism.” As he says, both of these will take us out of the action of human community. In the first case, we stop trying because things seem futile. In the second, we never do enough because our efforts aren’t worthy.

Hold onto the big picture and think about what you can do today, in relationship to the people you know and see all the time. Practice and fail and discuss. Choose to either win the battle or learn the lesson.

We only fail as individuals when we turn away from each other, when we act like we can do nothing to remedy suffering, to remedy wrongdoing.

“Reverse Racism” Is Not A Myth,Just A Bad Meme

While I was plumbing the poz sewer this morning I happened up on a negrophiliac website with a culturally-appropriated name, theodysseyonline, putting out yet another one of these “Darkies tell the dumb honkeys what racism is” article where they again trot out the forced meme that “racism is prejudice+power”.

Even more amusing than the idea that a nigger is able to add is their grasp of genetics and social dynamics.

The article is titled “Reverse Racism Is A Myth And White People Should Be Thankful For That”.

One thing that puzzles me is if niggers feel free to tell White people what to believe and even what they should be thankful for,then how can they claim to be oppressed by them? Can you imagine a nigger slave telling the plantation owner they’re dumb for believing in that day’s agricultural science and telling them to be thankful they’re allowed to grow crops on their own land?

Wouldn’t that imply that the nigger has the power to change that situation for the worse?

The word you’re looking for is prejudice.

The word I’m looking for is nigger,nigger.

Reverse racism is a myth.

What people don’t understand about racism is that it relies solely on the societal concept of the hierarchy of race. From the middle of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century, there were a few prominent white men in the scientific community with ideas about what we now refer to as race — Linnaeus and Blumenbach were probably the most influential, and certainly the first two to come up with the basic idea of there being four or five — even up to seven — “races.”

Blumenbach based his concept of race on factors like skull shape, “humors ” (as in, blood, phlegm, choler, and melancholy) geography, and posture.

The original theory of thermodynamics was that an invisible gas called “phlogiston” existed to varying degrees in everything and the amount of this gas that was in something determined how flammable it was.

The original model of our solar system was one in which the sun rotated around the Earth.

I guess if a theory isn’t 100% correct or precise the moment it is formulated then it’s totally worthless to advancing human knowledge.We all know how far this approach to science took niggers.I personally remember when the Republic of Congo landed that craft on the moon back in the 1960’s.I will never live down that shame.

Or,I don’t know.Maybe the way that science works is that someone puts forth a theory and then someone else tries to disprove it and the parts of the theory that can be disproved are discarded and the parts that can’t are incorporated into a new,more accurate,theory.

Or something like that.I’m just a descendant of people who invented the internal combustion engine and mapped the entire solar system before building craft that would later take their descendants to those places.What the hell do I know compared to a jungle animal whose modern day cousins worship those craft as gods and still run around in loincloths with chicken bones in their noses throwing spears at each other like it’s 15,000 b.c.?

Now, science (and common sense) says that race isn’t a biological reality. The factors that affect skin color, hair type, and other physical features are numerous. They don’t come from some magic “race gene.” Suffice to say: race doesn’t biologically exist, but instead is a social construct of man used to place white people above others.


Common sense,and a few unfalsifiable statements made by jews erroneously self-categorized as “science” based on absolutely no testable data,tell us that there is no biological difference between these two individuals.

You know what else has multiple genes influencing it? Intelligence.Therefore,this guy doesn’t exist.

“Since more than one gene is responsible for intelligence,retards don’t exist”-Jews

And at last,we come to the only truthful statement by this frizzy-haired problem negress in this entire screed:

American society was built for white people. American institutions were designed to help white people to succeed. This hierarchy has been in place in every aspect of our society. That didn’t end with the Emancipation Proclamation or the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Yes,American society was built for White people.America always was designed to be a White country.The problem with America is not “racism”,it is niggers and other non-Whites.America would work as intended and be a great place to live without them.All of these social divisions that we have invested VAST sums of our own money and many millions of White lives trying to heal would disappear overnight with just this one weird trick:Physically removing the niggers.

Because racism is part of a system designed to benefit white people, it cannot be used against them. The word you’re looking for is prejudice — biased opinions or judgment that has no basis in reason or experience. It’s not the same thing as racism, and it’s possible for anyone to experience it.

The idea that racism can be “reversed” and used against white people by people of color is reliant on the concept of a society of racial equality, where there is no social hierarchy and everyone is in an equal position of power when it comes to race. We don’t live in a society of racial equality, and racism cannot be “reversed.”

But aren’t you the ones who are always saying that that is the system you want? A system of racial equality,where,in your words “racism could be reversed” and used against White Americans?

A stunning admission.I mean,fuck,I knew that’s what this was about since I was like 8 years old but I’m surprised that niggers are saying this openly now.

Be grateful. You don’t want racism to be perpetrated against you… right?

Sounds like a threat to me.Does that sound like a threat to you guys?

But no,I don’t want nigger anti-Whites living on the same continent as me,let alone carrying out some Django Unchained revenge fantasy on Whites based on historical events that never happened,like the idea that Whites went and kidnapped niggers to enslave them and then brought them to America,rather than buying them from jews who bought them from niggers who kidnapped them and sold them into slavery because niggers have no concept of morality.

It’s Time To Close The Gender Pay Gap

Now is the time of the year when women trot out the long-debunked canard that male-dominated corporations and other employers are paying by inch of penis that employees possess.

In fact,this has been federally-prohibited since 1964 and probably wasn’t going on before that,and it wouldn’t make much of a difference if women made 1 penny instead of the 2 that men made per hour.

But there is a gender pay gap.You probably haven’t heard of this because feminists never mention disparities when they favor women,but young unmarried women under 30 actually make more than their male counterparts.

Employers should pay all employees equally.It’s time that employers stopped treating young unmarried males as somehow “less than” just because they have penises and pay men the wage they earned.

The Jews Know,SHUT IT DOWN!!!

It looks like the jews finally figured out that we’re onto them pretending to be White in order to push multiculturalism and open borders and Marxist White Privilege Conspiracy Theory nonsense and then reverting back to jew when it suits them.

The article is fairly short so I will repost it in its entirety here.

t’s hard to keep up with the lingo of the “alt-right,” which morphs and adapts at the speed of the Internet. Some of the phrases are obviously bigoted, others seemingly benign.

One relatively new, particularly anti-Semitic, meme known as “fellow white people” requires some unpacking. It’s not new but has recently bubbled up to the surface again in recent weeks — and it promulgates the belief that Jews are merely “masquerading” as whites as a way to tear down the white nation from the inside.

The meme is sometimes accompanied with a modified version of the “happy merchant” meme — picturing the hook-nosed anti-Semitic caricature wearing a “white” mask.

The meme is meant to highlight what the “alt-right” sees as the “shapeshifting” and ultimately non-white nature of Jews. Jews, the thinking goes, call themselves white when they want to appeal to “fellow whites” — and call for things like immigration reform or civil rights — but also call themselves members of a minority class when it suits them.

The broader debate around Jews and whiteness is fraught and breaks out within the Jewish community every few months. What this meme suggests is that, regardless of what any Jew may feel, the “alt-right” sees them as non-whites.

More jewish feels nonsense in here.How you feel has nothing to do with whether or not your ancestors all came from Europe.

Here’s what we’re gonna do,gentleman.This kike has both an email address and a Twitter account.

I would like you to follow my lead and send Sam (((Kestenbaum))) an email or tweet “as a fellow jew” and tell him to do something that will harm his racial group such as electing a nigger president of Israel or race-mix with Arabs.We’ll see how he feels about it then.

Email him at

His Twitter is @skestenbaum