Category Archives: Activism

Political Prisoner Christopher Cantwell Finally Granted Bond

Christopher Cantwell,who has illegally been held without bond in Albemarle County jail since August,has finally been allowed to make bail as per his Constitutional guarantee,but on a conditional basis.

His bond was set at $25,000.

Sadly,this means that his revolutionary gritty crime drama podcast,Live From Seg!,that he had been doing from behind bars will no longer be around.

You can listen to what will surely be one of the last of these shows here.

As soon as he is back out,Christopher Cantwell has vowed to continue his original open phones show Radical Agenda,which I encourage you to call into.Let this man know that you are behind his right to speak and to peaceably assemble and you sympathize with his wrongful incarceration.Let him know that you will support his lawsuits against Charlottesville for violating his Civil Rights in spirit and that you will do so financially if possible. And please,if you can support his lawsuits,do.

Christopher Cantwell committed NO CRIME WHATSOEVER,people.He has spent over 100 days in jail because he defended himself with pepper spray when communist seditionists were physically attacking him with illegal expandable police batons.

He has been held WITHOUT BAIL,after TURNING HIMSELF IN.Christopher Cantwell was never a danger to the public or to himself and he certainly wasn’t a flight risk,because if he wanted to flee,he wouldn’t have turned himself in.

Holding him without bail,and even charging him in the first place,was a politically-motivated act and that means that CHARLOTTESVILLE committed a crime against HIM.

If you can,donate a dollar.Donate a penny if that’s all you got.Everybody’s got a handful of change in their pocket.Send that to Chris via Goyfundme,via Hatreon,mail it to him,whatever.You are not giving your money away,you are buying the continuation of the rule of law in America.You are buying Civil Rights for every White American you know.


Tell Chris who sent you.

Independent Review On Charlottesville Concludes That Police And City Were Responsible For Violence,NOT Alt-Right

On August 12th of this year,between 1000-1500 right-wing and Alt-Right individuals came to Charlottesville, Virginia to do one thing-to PEACEFULLY protest the removal of Confederate statues and statues of other White American war veterans and historical figures by anti-White city councils and mayors across the country.

The purpose of this rally was to give speeches that would raise awareness of this issue and to unite those in opposition to this ISIS-style destruction of historical artifacts.

Incited by Nazi-based paranoid delusions of a fascist takeover of the United States,around that same number of leftist anarchist,communist, and black supremacist seditionists also showed up to do one thing-to assault,attempt to murder,and interfere with the Civil Rights of anyone who DARED prevent or speak against them tearing down,smashing up,and otherwise defacing these cultural and historical artifacts,ISIS-style.

After this incident,many would go on to declare that the 37 million Americans who supported the young right-wing protesters’ views and actions defending these monuments “have no place in America”.


People who I have talked to have asked me,”If the Alt-Right had peaceful intentions,then why were they wearing helmets and carrying shields?” I have told them,”BECAUSE the Alt-Right’s intentions were peaceful,that’s WHY they were carrying shields and wearing helmets.If their intentions had been to harm someone,every one of them would have been carrying semi-automatics and wearing kevlar.”

Some people take this “Nazi” narrative hook,line,and sinker,though,out of the abundance of caution theory,or “Where there’s smoke,there’s fire”, for Joe Sixpack.That is,they assume that anyone labeled a Nazi must be up to no good,not realizing that the mainstream media (or the Jewish media,really) specializes in cranking out vast billowing clouds of smoke and screaming “Fire! Fire! Fire!” when they are keenly aware it’s nothing more than hot air.

For those who don’t know,the goal of the Alt-Right is self-determination for Europeans.That is not a code word for gassing people,it means what you think it means.From now on,when we say that the WHITE community wants something,we want a fair hearing and redress of grievances.We don’t want to be told “Whites already control everything so we’re not going to give you anything,and in fact,we’re going to take what little you have and you’re a Nazi if you don’t just hand it over”. This is a lie,it is based on the assumption that the White people in Congress,the Senate,and the Supreme Court are acting in the exclusive interests of White people as a group.This is impossible because that was made illegal in 1964.This decision is illegitimate as it was not put to a vote,it was just foisted on us.Besides that,a disproportionate number of them aren’t even White.They are jewish.Senator Diane Feinstein is a jew,Chuck Schumer is a jew,Al Franken is a jew,Tom Lantos who got us into the FIRST Iraq War was a jew.

The Alt-Right would either like that to change or a country for White people where it is the case that the WHITE leaders,elected by the WHITE PEOPLE, serve the interests of WHITES. In other words,White Americans would prefer theirgovernment and the governments of other European nations have the same relationship with their citizens that the government of Mexico,or China,or Japan,or Israel has with theirs. Non-Whites assume this is already the case since no black government on Earth privileges non-blacks above blacks in the workforce or in law,neither does any Asian government on Earth privilege non-Asians,nor any Latin American government privilege non-Hispanics above hispanics.Our countries are the only places on Earth where this happens and it happens despite 70+% of the people not wanting it.That is why the (((elites))) consider our humble little request to govern OURSELVES according to what is good for US an act of war.If this issue was raised on the national stage,it would mean the end of their sandbox world where they are gods in their own minds and the beginning of a much smaller world of a cold jail cell where their bunkie has them playing Susie Homemaker.

Now,after months of the media putting this event in front of a funhouse mirror and reporting back what they see in the reflection,such as reporting that White Nationalists,White Supremacists,Klansmen,or Neo-Nazis were responsible for violence that communists came to the physical location armed with baseball bats,bricks,home-made flamethrowers and bottles of acid to start,details are beginning to come out that paint a picture decidedly closer to what the Alt-Right has been saying all along.

Tim Heaphy,an independent reviewer has spoken with both sides and the police and has found,among other things,that police chief Al Thomas,who is black,reportedly told the officers not to intervene and to “let them fight,much easier to declare it an unlawful assembly”.

This,of course,was the goal all along.The city first attempted to deny the permit obtained by Jason Kessler of Unite The Right.The city was taken to court and the Unite The Right rally was defended in court by representatives of the ACLU.When the city was forced to comply with the law,they attempted to move the venue at the last minute to create chaos on the streets with no one knowing where to go,which possibly could have lead to even more violence.

When that was ruled to be an undue imposition,the city allowed the rally participants to converge in Lee Park.At that point,before a single speaker had been allowed to approach the podium set up for the event,and while the only violence that had occurred was from the left-wing terrorists that Charlottesville police refused to clear from the streets and who as a result blockaded the park and threw batteries,acid,and other objects meant to interfere with the free exercise of the Unite The Right participants’ First Amendment Rights,a state of emergency was declared.

All of the violence that YOU saw 10-second out of context clips of on the news occurred AFTER that point.This is important because what happened then,as Tim Heaphy points out,is that the police pushed Unite The Right participants into this mob of communists blockading the park entrance as the Unite The Right participants pleaded with the police not to do this,as it would result in violence.

Richard Spencer,Nathan Damigo,and several of Spencer’s entourage were maced by police at this point for refusing to risk using this obvious violent flashpoint on Market Street as their single means of escape (all other exits were walled off with metal guardrails).

They had good reason to believe this situation would result in violence,all they had to do was look to the bottom of the stairs where Corey Long,who is black,was wielding a home-made flamethrower,blowtorching the people that the police where pushing down the stairs as they attempted to flee for their lives.

A hail of bottles filled with poisonous or caustic substances rained down on them as they,being law-abiding citizens,complied with the governor’s order to disperse.

A small group of Unite The Right attendees were followed back to a parking garage while trying to leave by black supremacist BLM-supporter Deandre Harris and a few other colored gentlemen wielding clubs.Deandre Harris attempted to steal their property and when Harold Crews hung on to it,he was clubbed with a mag-lite for his trouble.That was when members of Crews’ group of 5 or 6 retaliated.You may have seen the media’s version of this story where Deandre Harris was beaten up because he’s black by evil Neo-Nazis.He was just on his way to skoo,turnin’ his life around,walking around with a mob of people armed with clubs for some reason.


This gentleman of the simian persuasion ended up scamming $160,000 out of guilted Whites,his jew backers,and other morons on a fundraising website shucking and jiving about how “Ahs jus a poh nigga,dem Wyte Supreemis done ass-salted meh” which he has already spent.He is likely to serve jail time for the violent encounter that he initiated,however the corrupt judge has declined to hold him without bail illegally as he has done with every member of Unite The Right he is unlawfully imprisoning for their political views at the moment.

Keep these people in your prayers and reach out to them with your wallets if you can.This is important even if you are politically left of center.If you are White,you are a Nazi in this country now.

The political prisoners who I can remember off the top of my head currently wrongfully incarcerated in Charlottesville are
Christopher Cantwell,Dennis Mothersbaugh,Harold Crews,and Richard Preston.I will add more once I track down a more comprehensive list.

Read more about the Heaphy report here.

A Word On Comrade Tony:UPDATE

UPDATE:Daily Stormer has announced a goycott against Tony Hovater’s former place of employment.A communist group has claimed responsibility for putting this man and his wife on the street. I fully endorse this goycott and will be participating.I encourage readers of The Liberationist to also participate.

If you aren’t angry about how Comrade Tony was treated yet,just read this pathetic groveling by his former employer in reply to the drug-addled faggots who harassed him into unemployment.


Let that sink in.Then visit these pages and leave your reviews of 571 Grill & Draft House in New Carlysle, Ohio.Let them know you won’t be eating any more of their shitty food until they clean the red scum off of it.

Maybe call the health inspector and tell them about the communist junkies shooting up in the bathroom too,who knows?



Trip Advisor


And their direct number is:
+1 (937) 845-0089

Call them and let them know that there are more of us with cash in our pockets than there are red gutterpunks and you will NEVER buy anything from their establishment as long as they fire people for their non-violent political beliefs at the behest of communists,and for exercising their right to free speech off the clock.

Tony never said anything to anyone about his political beliefs at his place of employment,he didn’t bring his politics to work unlike those who got him fired and/or fired him.Indeed,he and his wife were some of the best employees at his former place of business.

If you are able to locate the Health Inspector for this county,please post the info in the comments and I will update.Thank you to everyone participating.

Original Article Follows:

There is a bit of a shitstorm brewing in the normiesphere surrounding a recent Jew York Times profile of Tony Hovater,a member of the Traditionalist Worker’s Party.

The controversy seems to stem from the fact that some people (probs mostly jews,tbh,fam) believe that the journalist,who condemned Tony and his wife as hateful Nazis,even though they actually aren’t,didn’t condemn them strongly or repeatedly enough.

After agreeing to do this interview,probably under a doxxing threat by the Jew York Times,Tony and his newly-betrothed are now unable to find work.However,exploding their recently formed family’s bonds during its infancy isn’t enough for the douchebags who brought us the Nuremburg Trials and the Dresden Firebomb campaign.Your reporter went undercover in the comments section and found triple parenthesis-clad “fellow white people” sharing their vitriolic hate for those to their political right and openly advocating for the mass-murder of people they believe to be Nazis on fairly mainstream news websites with no moderation or banning of the sort you and I may see for posting something as innocuous as “It’s okay to be White”.Their reason? Because the “Nazis” are hateful.

However,Richard Fausset,the interviewer of Tony Hovater was sent BACK to Tony Hovater after a 3-hour interview by his editor for the explicit purpose of trying to dig up something hateful said by Tony and he was unable to do so.

I find this situation a bit perplexing,myself.I am not surprised by existence or tone of the hitpiece on the Traditionalist Worker’s Party,an ordinary progressive Catholic/Christian blue-collar organization that advocates for policies proudly championed by the American Left as little as 20 years ago,such as immigration restriction,worker’s rights,and the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman.Nor am I surprised that the J-Left or modern-day progressives decided to lead by example and throw the temper tantrum they wanted Fausset to throw,instead of showing that “Nazis” also shop for groceries.

What is surprising,and even a tiny bit amusing, is the ideological schism on display here within the modern left.It clearly shows that the larger Alt-Right,of which the Traditionalist Worker’s Party has been a part,has dealt a serious,stinging,and so far still festering wound,with the election of Donald Trump.

What I am mainly seeing is two ideological types of shitlib catlady/soyboy emerging in response to what will probably later come to be seen as “the historic” or “the infamous”
(depending on whether or not God is a Nazi,I guess) Jew York Times profile of Tony Hovater.

I will refer to these types from now on as “feels faggots” and “mean girls”.

Since Nazis have been profiled to death and these kikes and their shabbos goyim can’t seem to wrap their heads around a working-class man voting in his own interests,let me analyze the anti-authoritarian personality of these worthless pieces of shit,shall I?

First,the mean girls. Mean girls may or may not have a feminine penis.It doesn’t really matter because whether or not they are biologically female or just psychologically-castrated,they still act the same.The mean girl clique is the one screaming for the Jew York Times’ heads because they didn’t “challenge Tony to defend his beliefs”,by this they actually mean “point and splutter,then wow just wow at him until he gives up”. The reason why they did not do this is because these kikes are well aware it isn’t too hard to defend our beliefs since they are the same things that everyone has believed for over 25,000 years up until 50 years ago when mass media allowed perpetually-offended snowflakes to wrap themselves in a fantasy that they are still ensconced in today.And that is the fantasy portrayed in shows like the Cosby Show,Will and Grace,and movies like Schindler’s List.

A modern day leftist is someone unable to tell the difference between television shows and reality.At Charlottesville 2.0,these retards literally chanted “Shame,Shame,Shame” like they thought they were on Game of Thrones.Their obsession with fantasy has even led to the development of an Alt-Right meme-“Harry Potter isn’t real” that is often chanted back in response to these movie tropes.

The mean girl leftist exemplifies this mindset perfectly,and if I may be allowed some armchair psychoanalysis,this type of leftist shares many traits in common with those suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder,right down to the classic Narcissistic Rage they exhibit when finding out that Nazis shop at Whole Foods too sometimes.

Their preferred profile of a “Nazi” would probably amount to the journalist stating that he “can’t even” and refusing to write at all about the “Nazi” while reminding us to remember the 6 gorillion who were gassed to death with bug spray in Nazi country clubs/factories of death,right after taking a lap around the Olympic swimming pool and playing the guards at a few matches of footie.

The feels faggots are more interesting.It seems a good number,maybe half of the bugmen,are trying a different ploy:Kill Nazis With Kindness.

What this looks like to people on the right is that these leftists either don’t have the courage of their convictions or are tired of fighting or otherwise are unwilling to fight and so they are pre-emptively surrendering in the hopes we will be merciful to them.One could be forgiven for making this mistake,if these were mainly White people under the direction of White people,we could simply push for an unconditional surrender and take half of our opponents off the field.

However,their tactic here,much as elsewhere,is the same as ISIS.Wave a white flag,wait for the opponents to get close,then frag them with a surprise grenade.This tactic may have actually worked if we hadn’t already seen it used by the hippies in the 60’s.

We must not make the same mistake.

The fact that their surrender is CONDITIONAL,i.e.,they are going for a “love the nazi,hate the nazism” approach to their supposed kindness carpet-bomb is the proof that this is a trick,fam.They are banking on their laughable idea that WE are psychologically-perturbed due to the incessant hate they have heaped on our race and their attempt to genocide our race off the planet.They’re going to give us all a BIG HUG and make it all better.They’re not going to say mean things about us to our faces anymore guise,yay!!!!!

Oh,but the White Genocide agenda? NOTHING about that is going to change.

We can use them in the short-term,though,as a cudgel against their mean girl compatriots and a temporary cloak of immunity.We’re just “sick” after all,we can’t help thinking that it’d be a good thing if our race wasn’t wiped out and maybe actually flourished for a change.

I say we ride these asses as far as they’ll carry us,then when they drop dead,we eat them.

Tony Hovater and his wife need your support,comrades.Here is his goyfundme campaign,please give generously.