Category Archives: Liberty

Virtue-Signallers BTFO

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Turns out,pandering to niggers is a waste of time because when you give them your watch or tennis shoes without a fight,they just assume you must have so much money that you can afford to be robbed for way more than they initially asked.Who could have known this?

Besides everyone who’s ever been the victim of a nigger confidence game or attempted mugging,I mean.

Those millions of people knew this.

Those people and niggers were not surprised.

And jews.

Surprise? New Survey Reveals A Wide Gulf Between Millennial Whites And Millennials Of Color On Race

But as GenForward founder and lead researcher (((Cathy Cohen))) at the University of Chicago notes, “Our data reveal wide gulfs between white Millennials and their peers of color on issues of race and racism.”

An overwhelming majority of millennials across racial groups believe that people of color face common challenges and could be political allies. While 84 percent of whites believe that whites and people of color could be political allies, barely a majority of Latinx Americans and less than a majority of African Americans and of Asian Americans agree with the possibility of political alliances between whites and people of color. So that means nobody but whites believes that whites can be political allies. Ouch.

That won’t stop these cynical niggers and jews from dishing out advice on how you can “be a better ally”,though.How do you think 84% of Whites got the idea they could be “allies” in the first place?


“But,Mr.Nash”,you say,”why would these dirty yids tell us that niggers hate us for pandering to them? Won’t that make Whites angry and turn against these greedy niggers and stop trying to be their ‘allies’ because it’s obvious these niggers are just trying to take naive Whites for all they’ve got?”

Did Winston Churchill telling the British they’d have to put up with their houses and businesses being bombed all to shit by the Germans in order to “make the world safe for democracy”,as the Germans were coming to take their freedoms, just so the kikes could come along later and associate those very same freedoms with societal taboos and effectively have the goyim stamp out their own freedoms make the British hate Winston Churchill?

Of course not.

White people will cling to these niggers even harder trying to please them because it’s like trying to beat the final boss on that video game.

They’ll never stop screaming “Love Trumps Hate” until the niggers love them.Which will be never.

Even before slavery,niggers thought White people were zombies or ghosts or something just based on their skin color and they hated them then.

This is a common reaction of superstitious mud people the world over.For instance,haoli,the Hawaiian version of “honkey”,translates to “soulless corpse” in human speak.

Why do niggers,chinks,latrinos,Arabs,etc,all prefer to be “allies” with the kikes who fund their anti-White movements over Whites?

It’s simple.

Kikes at least pretend to have racial self-respect and they operate as a racial tribe with common shared interests,just like the rest of these anthropomorphic turds.

Also,mad gibs.