Category Archives: Niggers

Soul-Singer- Turned-Congressmonkey Al Green’s Trump Impeachment Vote Shot Down In Flames

Retarded ape Al Green has called for a total shutdown on the Presidency until retards, faggots, and brown people (but I repeat myself) can figure out exactly what the hell is going on.

However, today in a 364-58 vote, his own colleagues signalled that they did not have much confidence in that ever happening, with most saying “Now is not the time”. Some congressMEN also said that they would prefer to wait and see what kind of fake charges Mueller’s “independent Russia probe” which many in America describe as “stacked up to the rafters with Hillary supporters and donors”, can hoax on the Fuhrer.

As The Hill reported, Al “It ain’t rape if dat bitch be fucked up on lean” Green does not allege that the President committed “high crimes and misdemeanors”, the legal threshold for triggering articles of impeachment.

“Instead, Green argues that Trump has “brought disrepute, contempt, ridicule and disgrace on the presidency” and “sown discord among the people of the United States.”

How did he do this? Well, that’s the part that reminds you why White people used to pay niggers a dime to sing and dance for them.

He alleges that Trump should be impeached for:

1. Agreeing with the DOJ, FBI, Department of Homeland Security,an independent reviewer, and likely soon a Federal Grand Jury that the terrorist organizations Antifa and Black Lives Matter as well as terrorist cells of unaffiliated communists and anarchist seditionists who want to overthrow the government and impose their political agenda on the American populace planned, instigated, and initiated the violence witnessed by yours truly and millions of other Americans live in real time in Charlottesville on August 11th and 12th of this year.

2. Retweeting videos of Muslims committing horrific crimes against people that they actually committed, such as throwing people off of roofs and assaulting disabled people. Not only are they not punished, but now it is apparently “racist” to even show people that they have committed these crimes.Presumably, the next step will be to accuse people of being racist for witnessing these crimes or having them committed against oneself.

3. Criticizing monkeyball niggers for spitting on veterans by publicly disrespecting the flag and national anthem during sports games because Colin Kapaernick or however you spell his dumb nigger name didn’t get to play because he sucked and then trying to claim it was about “police brutality” or whatever.

4. A fake news story about Puerto Rican hurricanes.

5. Putting fellow retarded nigger and White culture appropriator Frederica Wilson in her place when she started lipping off about other dumb nigger shit. This one is personal for Green as Wilson, like Green, is also a member of the Congressional Black Crackheads special interest group.

If you don’t realize that blacks are retarded and should not be allowed to vote or hold office after that, I don’t even know what to tell you, fam.

Let’s hold a long overdue national referendum on the question.

“Reverse Racism” Is Not A Myth,Just A Bad Meme

While I was plumbing the poz sewer this morning I happened up on a negrophiliac website with a culturally-appropriated name, theodysseyonline, putting out yet another one of these “Darkies tell the dumb honkeys what racism is” article where they again trot out the forced meme that “racism is prejudice+power”.

Even more amusing than the idea that a nigger is able to add is their grasp of genetics and social dynamics.

The article is titled “Reverse Racism Is A Myth And White People Should Be Thankful For That”.

One thing that puzzles me is if niggers feel free to tell White people what to believe and even what they should be thankful for,then how can they claim to be oppressed by them? Can you imagine a nigger slave telling the plantation owner they’re dumb for believing in that day’s agricultural science and telling them to be thankful they’re allowed to grow crops on their own land?

Wouldn’t that imply that the nigger has the power to change that situation for the worse?

The word you’re looking for is prejudice.

The word I’m looking for is nigger,nigger.

Reverse racism is a myth.

What people don’t understand about racism is that it relies solely on the societal concept of the hierarchy of race. From the middle of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century, there were a few prominent white men in the scientific community with ideas about what we now refer to as race — Linnaeus and Blumenbach were probably the most influential, and certainly the first two to come up with the basic idea of there being four or five — even up to seven — “races.”

Blumenbach based his concept of race on factors like skull shape, “humors ” (as in, blood, phlegm, choler, and melancholy) geography, and posture.

The original theory of thermodynamics was that an invisible gas called “phlogiston” existed to varying degrees in everything and the amount of this gas that was in something determined how flammable it was.

The original model of our solar system was one in which the sun rotated around the Earth.

I guess if a theory isn’t 100% correct or precise the moment it is formulated then it’s totally worthless to advancing human knowledge.We all know how far this approach to science took niggers.I personally remember when the Republic of Congo landed that craft on the moon back in the 1960’s.I will never live down that shame.

Or,I don’t know.Maybe the way that science works is that someone puts forth a theory and then someone else tries to disprove it and the parts of the theory that can be disproved are discarded and the parts that can’t are incorporated into a new,more accurate,theory.

Or something like that.I’m just a descendant of people who invented the internal combustion engine and mapped the entire solar system before building craft that would later take their descendants to those places.What the hell do I know compared to a jungle animal whose modern day cousins worship those craft as gods and still run around in loincloths with chicken bones in their noses throwing spears at each other like it’s 15,000 b.c.?

Now, science (and common sense) says that race isn’t a biological reality. The factors that affect skin color, hair type, and other physical features are numerous. They don’t come from some magic “race gene.” Suffice to say: race doesn’t biologically exist, but instead is a social construct of man used to place white people above others.


Common sense,and a few unfalsifiable statements made by jews erroneously self-categorized as “science” based on absolutely no testable data,tell us that there is no biological difference between these two individuals.

You know what else has multiple genes influencing it? Intelligence.Therefore,this guy doesn’t exist.

“Since more than one gene is responsible for intelligence,retards don’t exist”-Jews

And at last,we come to the only truthful statement by this frizzy-haired problem negress in this entire screed:

American society was built for white people. American institutions were designed to help white people to succeed. This hierarchy has been in place in every aspect of our society. That didn’t end with the Emancipation Proclamation or the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Yes,American society was built for White people.America always was designed to be a White country.The problem with America is not “racism”,it is niggers and other non-Whites.America would work as intended and be a great place to live without them.All of these social divisions that we have invested VAST sums of our own money and many millions of White lives trying to heal would disappear overnight with just this one weird trick:Physically removing the niggers.

Because racism is part of a system designed to benefit white people, it cannot be used against them. The word you’re looking for is prejudice — biased opinions or judgment that has no basis in reason or experience. It’s not the same thing as racism, and it’s possible for anyone to experience it.

The idea that racism can be “reversed” and used against white people by people of color is reliant on the concept of a society of racial equality, where there is no social hierarchy and everyone is in an equal position of power when it comes to race. We don’t live in a society of racial equality, and racism cannot be “reversed.”

But aren’t you the ones who are always saying that that is the system you want? A system of racial equality,where,in your words “racism could be reversed” and used against White Americans?

A stunning admission.I mean,fuck,I knew that’s what this was about since I was like 8 years old but I’m surprised that niggers are saying this openly now.

Be grateful. You don’t want racism to be perpetrated against you… right?

Sounds like a threat to me.Does that sound like a threat to you guys?

But no,I don’t want nigger anti-Whites living on the same continent as me,let alone carrying out some Django Unchained revenge fantasy on Whites based on historical events that never happened,like the idea that Whites went and kidnapped niggers to enslave them and then brought them to America,rather than buying them from jews who bought them from niggers who kidnapped them and sold them into slavery because niggers have no concept of morality.

The Equation Breaks Down

We have all heard the familiar trope that “racism equals prejudice plus power” a goofy way of explaining that non-White racism, the most prevalent kind, doesn’t really exist.

For a long time,at least since the early 2000’s,this canard has been fairly widely accepted by most opinion-makers and marxist academics as the party line for explaining the gap between people’s perceived reality and the shitlib narrative that Whites are always collectively the oppressor and non-Whites collectively the oppressed.

We here at the Liberationist remember that the “textbook definition” of “racism” used to be “an irrational hatred of someone’s skin color”.I personally believe they decided to pretend that racism was always “prejudice plus power” because literally no one becomes enraged at someone else’s skin and this definition now sounds even goofier in light of the fact that many racial differences besides skin color are now scientifically proven.For instance,blacks are more likely to be psychopathic:


Black children are more likely to be involved in fights:


And the more violent a crime is,the more likely it is that a black is involved with it:


Blacks also have much lower IQ’s than Whites do,on average,which probably explains a curious admission by the black author of this article at the Jenkem-Huffer Post.

He is referencing the latest hate hoax by a black cadet at the Airforce Academy’s Preparatory School in which a nigger scrawled anti-nigger graffiti around and then pretended it was White racists,presumably the KKK,or Richard Spencer in the Sneaking Suit from Metal Gear Solid.

This prompted an impassioned anti-White screed by the ultracuck Academy superintendent telling the imaginary racists to “get out” that has been viewed 1.2 million times at the time of this writing.I say anti-White because it was assumed that Whites did this and when it was found out they didn’t,he doubled down in another speech again saying that “racists” ,i.e.,Whites if we go by the new definition of “racism” that this nigger who wrote the article is using,would not be tolerated “in any form”.So,presumably this also means that Hapas have to go as well.The black cadet who actually did it,most likely,will not be asked to “get out”.

The thing that is amazing is that the article this nigger wrote is titled “The Great Danger When Blacks Commit Racist Acts” and uses the word “racist” or “racism” no less than 18 times and euphemisms for such a handful of other times.



So here they are admitting that blacks CAN be racist,despite their insistence that blacks have no power even while bragging about black CEO’s,multi-millionaires,and Affirmative Action Presidents in the article.My guess is that this nigger is so all over the place and incoherent with respect to the jew narrative on racism that his jew handlers will edit his words later to make it sound like he makes some kind of sense vis a vis the jewish narrative that blacks can’t be racist and whenever they do something racist it’s not racist and if it is it’s White people’s fault.

That’s why I’ve got the screenshots.

Oh,and that’s not the textbook definition of “racism”.


Color Me Shocked, For Once I Agree With Dumb Bluegum Porchmonkeys

I clicked on this op-ed from expecting to be irritated by the nonsensical niggerish musings of their resident big-brained nibba,Damon Young,but I actually agree that most of these types of White people are completely useless.

The only thing I disagree with is the order in which they were ranked.

For instance,at number 5 they have “The I just really enjoy making sex things with black people, and I hate when conversations about race complicate those things because I just want to make sex things! guy.”

This type of White person should be number 1,or most useless.

I don’t know what “making sex things” with niggers entails and I don’t want to know but clearly anybody who has to fuck niggers is a useless human being.This is actually more pathetic than a Jap with a waifu pillow.A waifu pillow is at least made in the shape of a human being whereas even Google Image Recognition can tell you that niggers are a type of proto-ape and probably the nearest living direct ancestor of the gorilla.Yes,you read that right.Gorillas evolved from niggers.


At number 6.,they have listed “Bernie Sanders”.Bernie Sanders is not a White person.He is a jew,which is a type of Asiatic mongrel which often has a lot of nigger genetics,making him a nigger per the one-drop rule that niggers subscribe to in order to claim semi-intelligent octaroons like W.E.B. Dubois or Barack Obama as full-blooded blacks.

I’ll make sure he goes on my list of most useless niggers that I’m working on,but he shouldn’t be on this list.

Number 6 on my list of most useless blacks? This chick.


Same skin tone as Beyonce and dark-skinned Indians call themselves “black” all the time,must be “African-Americans”,right?

At number 8,they have “The ‘White people are so terrible. I hate us’ guy.”

This guy also doesn’t belong on this list because 9 times out of 10,he belongs to the same race as Bernie Sanders,not Jack Kennedy.We call this “My fellow White people”-ing.


At number 1 on their list,they have “The I did something nice for black people, like, 37 years ago, and I’m going to continue to bank on that one thing like there’s a ‘Did something nice for black people’ craps table and I already cashed out guy.”

This guy would be number 2 on my list.The reason he is number 1 on their list is this list is the classic nigger “What have you done for me lately?” shakedown con game.The problem the big-brained nibba has with this guy is that he doesn’t turn his pockets inside out and dump all his money at the feet of every random nigger who walks up to him on the street.If this guy were to literally do this in real life,the niggers would complain and call him useless because his pockets were empty for the next nigger who walks up to him.

He’s number 2 on my list because the only thing Whites should be giving blacks are free boat rides back to Africa and weaponized Ebola once they’re back in the muhdikkland.

At number 2 on THEIR list,they have “The Let me unload this 18-minute-long tome on my feelings on race and racism and savory grits on you right now even though you’re just standing in line at Potbelly and you clearly just want to get a quick and cheap sandwich and not be my personal Pinterest board of white guilt guy.”

The most likely reason this bugman-type is number 2 on their list is because while blacks demand that Whites abase themselves and affirm their imaginary oppression of niggers so that said shit-monkeys are not on the hook to prove they are oppressed when they want to use said oppression to get free handouts and get out of jail when they commit serious crimes,they don’t want these guys visible or making noise about being oppressors until the jews show up with the cameras and the niggers can snivel in front of an audience about the 400 gorillion years of slavery they personally endured.

He’s number 3 on my list because without him,it’d be pretty hard for these niggers to pretend to be oppressed.

I agree with their placement of “4. The Race issues are really just class issues guy.” He’s number 4 on my list too.

At number 9 on their list is “The Why can’t we just forget about our differences and come together?” guy, who’s usually the exact-same guy as the “I don’t see color” guy and the “Why does everything have to be about race?” guy and the “I’ll have a Coke Zero, please guy.”

He’s number 5 on my list because the more these monkeys chimp out about their racial differences to Whites,the more White people decide “You know what,maybe there is more to this race thing than skin color,these niggers are all fucking retarded”.

At number 10. on their list is
“The I would have voted for Obama again” guy, which, since a three-term presidency is literally not possible right now, is like saying, “I totally would have killed a velociraptor, dude. Totally.”

Proving that after giving niggers what they have claimed that they wanted ever since the Snivel Rights Era,a nigger Prezmadimps role model for young niggers to look up to and ook with approving bug-eyed sclerotic stares,these apes will still call you useless because you’re White.

I put this guy at number 6 because,as we’ve seen,the president does not run the government so most of the shit attributed to Barack Obama during his disastrous presidency that put half of our country out of work was probably actually being done by kikes and the same Marxist zealots of the Equality and Divershitty cult that we see blocking Trump’s Executive Orders and leaking his phone conversations.All the Executive Ape did was golf for 8 years.

Number 3 on their list and number 7 on mine is “The I want to have debates with you about racism because, to me, it’s a fun and lively and energizing thought exercise guy.”

This guy is useless to us because while he is able to empirically prove that nigger slaves actually had it better than free Whites or Irish bondsmen,he is not actually an academic and wouldn’t put his name and face to his work if he was.Still,it is amusing to see niggers whine when he doesn’t validate their narratives so there is a redemptive quality to his circlejerks if they are done publically.

And finally,number 7 on their list and number 8 on mine is
“The Let me write this 2,500-word column attempting to explain and empathize with racist white Trump voters without using the word ‘racist’ once in my 2,500 words guy.”

He doesn’t use the words “anti-White” to describe any of the things done to Trump voters,either.It would be great if he would either do that or just help these niggers wring every last drop of meaning or power out of the word “racist” so that it comes to be seen as the racial slur for White people that it is,but whatevs.He’s the least useless type of White guy listed by these niggers,from our viewpoint here at The Liberationist.

Virtue-Signallers BTFO

From ,

Turns out,pandering to niggers is a waste of time because when you give them your watch or tennis shoes without a fight,they just assume you must have so much money that you can afford to be robbed for way more than they initially asked.Who could have known this?

Besides everyone who’s ever been the victim of a nigger confidence game or attempted mugging,I mean.

Those millions of people knew this.

Those people and niggers were not surprised.

And jews.

Surprise? New Survey Reveals A Wide Gulf Between Millennial Whites And Millennials Of Color On Race

But as GenForward founder and lead researcher (((Cathy Cohen))) at the University of Chicago notes, “Our data reveal wide gulfs between white Millennials and their peers of color on issues of race and racism.”

An overwhelming majority of millennials across racial groups believe that people of color face common challenges and could be political allies. While 84 percent of whites believe that whites and people of color could be political allies, barely a majority of Latinx Americans and less than a majority of African Americans and of Asian Americans agree with the possibility of political alliances between whites and people of color. So that means nobody but whites believes that whites can be political allies. Ouch.

That won’t stop these cynical niggers and jews from dishing out advice on how you can “be a better ally”,though.How do you think 84% of Whites got the idea they could be “allies” in the first place?


“But,Mr.Nash”,you say,”why would these dirty yids tell us that niggers hate us for pandering to them? Won’t that make Whites angry and turn against these greedy niggers and stop trying to be their ‘allies’ because it’s obvious these niggers are just trying to take naive Whites for all they’ve got?”

Did Winston Churchill telling the British they’d have to put up with their houses and businesses being bombed all to shit by the Germans in order to “make the world safe for democracy”,as the Germans were coming to take their freedoms, just so the kikes could come along later and associate those very same freedoms with societal taboos and effectively have the goyim stamp out their own freedoms make the British hate Winston Churchill?

Of course not.

White people will cling to these niggers even harder trying to please them because it’s like trying to beat the final boss on that video game.

They’ll never stop screaming “Love Trumps Hate” until the niggers love them.Which will be never.

Even before slavery,niggers thought White people were zombies or ghosts or something just based on their skin color and they hated them then.

This is a common reaction of superstitious mud people the world over.For instance,haoli,the Hawaiian version of “honkey”,translates to “soulless corpse” in human speak.

Why do niggers,chinks,latrinos,Arabs,etc,all prefer to be “allies” with the kikes who fund their anti-White movements over Whites?

It’s simple.

Kikes at least pretend to have racial self-respect and they operate as a racial tribe with common shared interests,just like the rest of these anthropomorphic turds.

Also,mad gibs.

Crying Nigger Faggot Don Lemon Hoaxes Hate Tweet Against Himself

Don Lemon,believed by many to be the second gayest nigger currently alive besides Barack Obama,is reportedly in tears yet again after receiving a grammatically incorrect,barely coherent,and poorly-written death threat from his own sock account.

CNN anchor Don Lemon said he received death threats from a self-proclaimed white nationalist after appealing to President Trump to stop attacking the widow of a US soldier, according to the NYPD.

The network’s security personnel called police after the black journalist was attacked on Twitter with several messages, including “F— you n—- can’t wait to stab your neck” and “U r a pile of rotting Dogs—-, racist, communist, socialist, Liberal moron ass—, I will find u U will pay. ill see u real soon,” police sources said.

The alleged user described himself on Twitter using the handle @1jeff4trump2 as a “white nationalist conservative . pro gun anti islam anti terrorist anti leftist yes i HATE demorats,blm,antifa ,socialists. heavily armed racist.WLM.”

Police were not sure of the identity of the person, whose Twitter account was deleted Thursday, other than they believe he is a white 47-year-old who identifies with the alt-right.

This is basically like if Donald Trump claimed he received a death threat from an antifa that read “I KNOW YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN,I AM COMING TO TAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS AWAY,YOU PATRIOTIC MOTHERFUCKER!1!1!1!1 See you soon.” and the account belonged to “Laqueeta Jemimah Lenin”,a self-described “Marxist,anti-Christian,Jesus-hater and abortion-lover”.

Everyone knows niggers fake these race-based death threats against themselves damn near every single time.

You can’t really blame them for doing it.They never receive any punishment for it and White women fall for it and rush to shield them from the imaginary KKK every time.

When are we going to stop falling for these fake hate crimes? Don’t people realize how easy it is to send a fake death threat to yourself on twitter? That’s probably why the account was deleted.To prevent it from being traced back to this faggot nigger drama queen.
