Tag Archives: beaners

Illegal Beaner Who Murdered Kate Steinle To Be Deported For 6 Millionth Time

A five-times-deported illegal alien who murdered an American citizen with a gun stolen the day of the crime from a federal agent’s unlocked vehicle who confessed to the crime and then later lied like a cheap rug under oath,gaining him a full acquittal from even the charge of manslaughter for murdering a young unarmed woman by shooting her in the back on a pier back in July of 2015,will be deported again following the miscarriage of justice by a San Francisco court.

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate,known to his amigos as “Slowpoke Rodriguez” due to the fact that he has the equivalent of a 2nd grade education,was found not guilty by a juror of his illegal peers in a sanctuary city court of law,presumably because he is both brown and really dumb and this is sad somehow.

The jury deliberated for 6 days on the incoherent,shifting stories this idiotic spic gave concerning how he came to be in possession of the gun and the circumstances under which he deliberately put a bullet through Kate Steinle’s back and then found him not guilty by virtue of the color of his skin and the color of the victim’s.

If this sounds like hyperbole,then you need to read this-keep in mind that his first statement on this incident was that he deliberately shot Kate Steinle:

Defense attorney Matt Gonzalez said Garcia Zarate found the gun at the pier. He said it was wrapped in cloth, and when he unwrapped it, it accidentally discharged.

But in a police interrogation, Garcia Zarate admitted to firing the gun, saying he was aiming at a seal. He also told police that he stepped on the gun, causing it to fire.

Goofy,goofy stuff.For those of you who don’t know,you can sometimes cause certain old rifles to fire by dropping the butt on the ground really hard,but it is pretty much impossible to fire a pistol,which is what this was,by stepping on it.

Besides that,he gave so many different unrelated accounts there is a 0% chance he was being truthful about all,and probably any,of them.

If this were a White American,he’d be sucking on cyanide fumes or getting put down like a dog with a lethal injection or whatever it is they do in Commiefornia.

It is obvious that he knew he was committing a crime because he threw the gun in the bay after committing the murder,and also,this guy has more aliases than Satan.Who the hell even knows what this illegal alien’s real name is? And why is he in our country? In his country,it’s 2 years in federal prison every time you cross the Mexican border illegally and he has crossed ours 5 times,going on 6,unless we get this fucking wall built pronto.

Prosecutors said Garcia Zarate immediately tried to cover his tracks by throwing the gun into the San Francisco Bay, then fleeing the scene.

Garcia Zarate was formerly known as Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, one of several aliases he is known to have used. CNN and other media outlets previously identified him as Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez.

We need a new federal policy on illegals,3 strikes and you’re out.You cross our border three times,we don’t put you on a bus back to Meheeco so you can come back next week,we take you to the border,out in the desert, and shoot you in the head in front of the other wetbacks trying to cross illegally and we leave your sorry carcass for the coyotes.

However it shakes out with this case,it is clear we need a one and done-type fix to this illegal Mexican problem.


A final solution,one might say.

(((International Corporations))) Move To Troll Shield Illegal Beaners


It seems that in America today if you are a member of certain groups you are immune from prosecution for criminal actions.Either the government will refuse to prosecute you,NGO’s will give you limitless funds to fight such prosecutions and make your life as comfy as possible while you are being prosecuted,or major corporations with power over people’s daily lives unrivaled by any king or dictator in history will lobby government on your behalf to make sure you are rewarded for breaking laws they want broken.

More than 60 companies and trade organizations are launching a campaign to support protections for Dreamers.

The companies announced a digital ad campaign on Thursday and said they would push for “bipartisan legislation that gives Dreamers a permanent solution this year.”

A permanent solution? I got a better idea.How about a final solution.

Ironically,these beaners are intended to be the final solution to the White problem.They want to give these beaners amnesty so they can chain-migrate about 20 million of their relatives and prevent themselves from getting Trumped by the uppity goyim again in the future.

The Coalition for the American Dream comprises some of the biggest names in business: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, General Motors, Google, Hewlett Packard, IBM and Microsoft, among dozens of others.

Imajjun moy shawk that the “faaaashist corporations” of jewgle,founded by jews,Amazon,run by a jew,Faceberg,created and run by jews,et al,are involved in this.These jewish scumbags need to be broken up by antitrust laws and regulated.

Others in the campaign announced Thursday include the American Hotel and Lodging Association, the National Retail Foundation and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

“If Congress fails to act, our economy could lose $215 billion from the national GDP and $24.6 billion in Social Security and Medicare tax contributions,” the companies wrote in an ad published in Politico on Thursday.


There’s the U.S. Chamber of Commerce again.I swear,they’ve gotta have more kikes in that organization than the Federal Reserve.Back to back back-stabbery by these goofy motherfuckers lately.We need to get some of /ourguys/ in there and fast.The Chamber of Commerce is a nexus for some cosmic-level kike sorcery and they are directly funding the violent anti-American terrorist organizations Black Lives Matter and antifa.

Also,this $215 billion business is utter bullshit.These faggots believe they can basically put whatever they want on a piece of paper and call it the GDP and it will fly.Really.It’s called Keynesianism and most of these guys subscribe to it.Even if we were somehow making $215 billion off of these beaners it won’t matter when the US is Venezuela in 40 years.No matter how much those in control are making,you and I will never see a penny of it.

Don’t do business with any of these companies if you can avoid it and demand your representatives do a Congressional inquiry into why and how the Chamber of Commerce is aiding and abetting these terrorists.
